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Any connoisseur of good food and drink will no doubt declare that the Chinese are the best cooks in the international world! The reason they manage to produce such tasty dishes is because of a famous cuisine called the “Chinese Cooking Taro”.
Few people know what “taro” really means. This tropical plant is known for its edible corm (vegetable filled with starch that grows underground) and its edible leaves. This tall, thick-stemmed plant needs lots of water and good soil to grow. Triangular in shape, the large leaves have nicknamed the plant, “elephant ear”! In addition, this plant is an excellent source of minerals (potassium and iron), vitamins (vitamin C, thiamine and vitamin B1) and carbohydrates.
There are certain precautions to take before the taro can be cooked. The skin is quite muddy and must be peeled off. Sometimes there are spots on the taro or it is not very fresh. Then the vegetable has to be trimmed till the white flesh with purple markings is visible.
Once the peeling is finished, the taro is cut in cross according to the size of the vegetable. Generally, each piece is supposed to be a quarter of an inch thick.
This cuisine (Chinese Cooking Taro) involves a classic and elaborate cooking procedure. To begin with, a wok (metal pan with a rounded bottom) is heated for a long time until it emits smoke. To avoid burning or sticking, the surface of the wok is now covered with oil. Taro is allowed to cook on its own for about 15 to 20 seconds before adding garlic. Agitation should be continuous to prevent the taro from sticking to the sides of the wok. Once the color of the taro becomes light brown, water is poured. The water level only covers the taro. Finally, the taro in water is left to cook for about 15 to 20 minutes over medium heat. When ready, the hot Chinese Taro can be combined with steamed and eaten rice!
It is not the only combination in which it can be used. Since Chinese food is largely influenced by the religion followed and the festivals celebrated in the country, a cuisine like the taro of Chinese cuisine has been responsible for the evolution and naming of many famous dishes such as noodles, Manchurian, spring rolls, Stewed taro combined with green onions, and much more.