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An audience is a collection of individuals who attend a show or come into contact with a piece of art, literature (referred to as “readers”), drama, music (referred to as “listeners”), video games (referred to as “players”), or academics in any media. In diverse types of art, audience members participate in different ways; some events welcome overt audience participation, while others merely allow for moderate applauding, criticism, and reception.
The study of media audiences has become a standard element of the curriculum. Audience theory is an academic approach to understanding audiences in general. These revelations impact our understanding of how audiences react to and are affected by various types of art. The mass media is the most important art form. The audience and its evaluations and recommendations have an impact on films, video games, radio shows, software (and hardware), and other media.
Professional artists share space, and occasionally attention, with the public in an age of simple online involvement and citizen journalism. According to American journalist Jeff Jarvis, “People will utilize media if they have power over it. The implication is that if you don’t give people power over the media, you will lose. Citizens will take power whenever they get the opportunity.” “The users are selecting what the point of their interaction will be – what application, what device, what time, what place,” said Tom Curley, President of the Associated Press.
Some audiences are distinguished by the persons who make up the audience and are dependent on occasion and context in speech. These audiences are sometimes susceptible to persuasion and interact with the speaker’s views. This audience, which may vary in number and makeup, may join together to form a “composite” of various groups.
An immediate audience is a group of people who are in direct contact with a speaker and the rhetorical text or speech he or she is delivering. This audience listens to, interacts with, and consumes the rhetorical content without any intermediaries. Personal interviews, clapping, and vocal remarks made during and after a rhetorical speech can all be used to gauge immediate audience reaction and feedback (audience measurement).
Individuals who absorb rhetorical texts in a manner that is distinct from the time or place in which a speaker provides text make up mediated audiences, as opposed to immediate audiences. Because the rhetor and the audience are separated by these channels, audiences who receive texts or speeches via television, radio, or the internet are termed mediated audiences. The message is regulated and the audience is physically separated from the audience. Because channels like television, radio, and the Internet may remove the audience from the moment and situation of a rhetorical text or speech, determining the number and makeup of mediated audiences can be challenging.
Opinion polls and ratings, as well as comments and forums that may be included on a website, can be used to quantify mediated audience response and feedback (a process known as audience measurement). This is true in a variety of industries, including film, music, and much more. Audience measurement is a specialty of several companies.