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Axe is a tool that has a heavy metal blade and a long handle and that is used for chopping wood. Clean and polish the entire surface of the head of axe before sharpening. This provides a pristine surface and allows working to determine any problem areas that accumulated rust. Use steel wool to remove rust, if any. Fine sandpaper can be used for to take out of scratches and other blemishes. For those who are more inclined to rely on power tools, disk-sander attached to a drill, to make this work in a fraction of the time.
Sharpening can be accomplished manually or with the classic grindstone pedal or files and whetstones. If you are lucky enough to have a pedal grinder, make sure that the drip cup or other source of water is actively keeping the belt wet. Sharpening the axe at high speed without water on a stone can ruin your temper on your blade.