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A bakery is a business that manufactures and markets flour-based products baked in the oven, such as bread, cookies, cakes, pastries and pies. Some retail bakeries are also in the café category, serving coffee and tea to customers wishing to consume baked food on premises. Confectionery is also produced in most bakeries around the world.
Bakery products have been around for thousands of years. The art of baking developed during the Roman Empire. It was a very famous art as the Roman citizens loved baking goods and often demanded important events such as holidays, weddings, etc. Due to the fame and desire that the art of baking gained, around 300 BC, baking was presented by the Romans as an occupation and a respected profession. Bakers began making bread at home in the oven, using mills to grind grain into flour for bread. The current search for bakery products continued, and the first bakers’ guild was founded in 168 BC in Rome. This harsh call for baked goods drives the development of baking throughout Europe and spreading to eastern parts of Asia. Bakers began to bake bread and food at home and sell it on the street.
This trend became commonplace, and soon baked goods began to be sold in Rome, Germany, London and many others. This led to creating a system for delivering goods to households, as the demand for bread and food increased significantly. This provoked bakers to create a place where people could buy baked goods for themselves. This is why the first open-air bakery of baked goods were developed in Paris, and since then, bakeries have become commonplace to buy delicious goods and collect them all over the world. Before the colonial era, bakeries were generally considered a gathering place.
On July 7, 1928, a bakery in Chillicothe, Missouri, introduced pre-sliced bread using the automatic bread slicer invented by Otto Frederick Rohwedder. Although the bread did not sell at first due to its “sloppy” appearance and the fact that it stagnated faster, it later gained popularity. During World War II, bread slicers were effectively banned because their metal was needed for wartime. When they were requisitioned, having created 100 tons of metal alloy, the decision turned out to be very unpopular with the housewives.
The Second World War directly affected the bread industries in the UK. At this time, bakery schools were closed, so that when the war finally ended, there were not enough qualified bakers. This led to new methods to meet the world’s bread demand—techniques such as adding chemicals to dough, premixes and special machines.