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This word means “chain” can be traced back to the ancient word to the family of Indo-European languages. As early as 225 BC chain was used to draw a bucket of water up from the well. It is very early in the bucket chain is comprised of connected to metal rings.
During the 16th century, Leonardo da Vinci made sketches of what appears to be the first steel chain. These chains were probably intended for the transmit pulling, not wrapping the power because they consist only of plates and pins and have metal profiles.
It took a while for the technology to catch up with the concept. Problems in the field of steel production and processing chain growth until the 19th century, when new technology made steel chain and bearings reality. In 1800, a Frenchman named Gull received a patent for a similar chain for use on a bicycle. This chain is called “Gull Chain,” it is still used in the application.