Download free China Flag PNG Transparent Images, vectors, and clipart for personal or non-commercial projects. Ideal for any design or creative projects. To view the full PNG image in its original resolution, simply click on any of the thumbnails below.
Chinese flag consists of a red base with a yellow five-pointed star in the upper left corner. There are four smaller yellow five-pointed star to the right of the larger star and these stars are angled on a curve.
There are conflicting opinions about the meaning of the Chinese flag. One side argues that the red Chinese flag symbolizes revolution and the fact that China’s political power is achieved through bloodshed of revolutionary martyrs who fought heroic battles of the revolution. Big star is said to represent the Communist Party of China; and four smaller stars are said to represent all ethnic groups that make up China.
It is believed that this indicates that the Communist Party is a force at the core of the Chinese leadership.