Community PNG Transparent Images


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Community PNG Picture

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Community PNG

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Community Free Download PNG

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40.68 KB

A community is a small or large social organization (a group of living things) that has something in common, for example norms, religions, values ​​or identity. Communities often share a sense of place in a given geographical area (for example, a country, a village, a city or a neighborhood) or in virtual space through communication platforms.

Long-term relationships that go beyond direct family ties also define a sense of community. People tend to define these social relationships as important for their identity, practices and roles in social institutions (such as family, home, work, government, society or humanity). Although communities tend to be small in terms of personal social relations (microlevel), the “community” can also refer to group affiliates (or macrolevels), such as national communities, international communities and virtual communities.


In ecology, the community is a collection of populations of different species interacting with each other. Ecology of the community is an ecology sector that explores the interactions between species and between them. It explores how these interactions, as well as interactions between species and the abiotic environment, affect the structure of the community and the richness of species, diversity and forms of abundance.

Internet Communities

Groups of people are complex, so these groups are difficult to form and difficult to sustain; most forms of traditional institutions are the answer to these difficulties. New social instruments alleviate part of this burden, allowing new forms of group formation, such as the use of simple exchange, to support the creation of new groups.

A simple form of cooperation, almost universal with social instruments, is a conversation; when people are in company to each other, even in practice they like to talk. Conversation creates a greater sense of community than sharing.

The online community is building weaker bonds, if it allows users to be anonymous. The audience is not just a big community, it can be more anonymous, with fewer connections between users, a small audience, social density.

Sites offering online communities, such as Myspace, Twitter, WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr and Pinterest, allow users to “stalk” their community and act anonymously.
