Crowd PNG Transparent Images


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Crowd Silhouettes for Teamwork and Community Free PNG

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Crowd Engagement and Excitement at Concerts Free PNG

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Crowd Cheering at Music Festival Concert PNG

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Diverse Community Silhouettes of People Clipart

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Crowd Festival Audience Concert Scene PNG

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Crowd Abstract People Human Silhouettes PNG

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Crowd Cheering Crowd Hands Up In The Air PNG

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Crowd Silhouettes of People and Human Figures Clipart

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Urban Crowd Walking and Diverse Movement PNG Cutout

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Urban Crowd Scene with Blurred Motion PNG

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Crowd Celebration at Energetic Concert Event Clipart

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Teamwork and Community in Collaboration Clipart PNG

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Diverse Crowd Progressing with Human Figures Free PNG

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Crowd Celebration with Raised Hands at Concert Free PNG

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Crowd Cheering at Concert with Raised Hands PNG File

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Crowd Celebration at Music Festival with Raised Hands PNG File

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Group Photo of Diverse Individuals at Event PNG File

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Crowd Celebration with Festive Party Atmosphere Free HD PNG

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A crowd is a large group of people that are gathered or considered together. The crowd can be defined by a common goal or a set of emotions, such as a political rally, a sporting event or during looting (this is called a psychological crowd), or it can simply consist of many people who have business with them in a busy area. Sometimes the “mob” can refer to the lowest order of people in general.


The term “crowd” is sometimes defined in contrast to other group nouns for collections of people or animals, such as aggregation, audience, group, mass, mob, populous, public, rabble and throng. Public Opinion Analyst Vincent Price compares masses and crowds, saying that “crowds are determined by their common emotional experience, but masses are determined by their interpersonal isolation.”

In human sociology, the term “crowd” simply means “extremely crowded,” as in a busy mall or store. Mobbing has a more negative connotation associated with bullying. In animal behavior, the crowd is a technique in which many individuals of the “gang” type of a larger individual of a different species to drive them away. Mobility behavior is often observed in birds.

Crowd Psychology

Crowd psychology, also known as mob psychology, is a branch of social psychology. Social psychologists have developed several theories to explain how the crowd psychology differs from the people psychology in it. The main theorists of crowd psychology are Gustave Le Bon, Gabriel Tarde, Sigmund Freud and Steve Reicher.

This field refers to the behavior and thought processes of both individual members of the crowd and the crowd as a whole. The crowd behavior is strongly affected by the loss of individual responsibility and the sense of the universality of behavior that increases in size.
