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A domain name is an identification string that defines a realm of administrative autonomy, authority, or control the Internet. Domain names are formed according to the rules and procedures of the Domain Name System called (DNS). Each name registered in the DNS is a domain name.
Importance of Domain Name
Without domain name you can’t access any website, all domains must be registered through the domain registrar before it comes online. A domain name is your unique identifier on the Internet. This is the address of your cyberspace. Owning a domain name gives you the same feeling when you purchased a new home, car or bike.
The domain name that you choose should be able to represent your brand or business which can be easy to spell, pronounce and remember, especially for your customers, and it should also be a short and unique domain name.
6 Interesting Facts About Domain Names
- is the first domain that was ever registered. was originally registered on 15 March 1985 year, making it the first domain name with TLD extension .com domain in the world.
- .ng domain name extension cost you $40,000 to register its a Nigerian domain extension.
- is one of the most viral domain name and website which sold on at a buy it now price in $85,000. The website made $20,000+ in sales and 2.5 million visits in 4 days, hugely popular viral site! by only shopping a glitter bombs. This domain name registered On December 31, 2014 by an Australian entrepreneur Matthew Carpenter.
- is one of the most expensive domain name ever sold with the price tag of $35 million in 2007.
- Did you know that your domain name may be canceled if your registration domain information is incorrect and not be able to answer on the ’s inquiries within fifteen days?
- There is no available domain name available to register in two, three or four letter.