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Fried food is the best comfort food for many people. Whether it’s fried chicken, fried cheese sticks or fries, everyone has at least one fried food that is on their list of guilty pleasures.
The fact is that frying food gives it a delicious taste, but it has great potential to lower the nutritional value of food if it is not cooked properly.
If you’re looking to eat healthier without giving up on frying, be sure to follow these hacks.
Make Use Of Olive Oil
The best type of oil you can use to make fried foods is olive oil. Olive oil has many health benefits, so it’s a good option compared to its other competitors. Olive oil is more stable at high temperatures compared to sunflower oil, soybean oil and corn oil, which means that it can be used longer than other oils. frying because it maintains its nutrition and quality. The best olive oils that you should use are virgin or extra virgin olive oil.
Remember To Keep Your Oil Clean
Keeping frying oil nice and clean is essential. If you let the oil old and collect the leftovers, the oil will start to burn and your food will also have a burnt taste.
Making use of the old oil means there is no more nutrition, so do not be miser and change your oil as soon as you start to see remains from other cooked foods. If you want to keep the old oil and use it more, it’s best to remove the remnants of the oil and reuse it, but it’s a good idea to change the oil every three to four days.
Make Your Batter Better
Having a perfect batter for your food is very important for having a better meal, but the question is how the batter will determine that your frying is going to be a greasy mess or a healthy treat.
Many people use all-purpose flour for their batter. All-purpose flour is a good option because it contains gluten which helps it stick to food, but it can absorb a lot of oil.
So instead of using all-purpose flour, try using gluten-free ingredients, like rice flour or cornmeal in your batter.