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Hand Saw is one of the most basic tools which helps you to cut the wood and other objects. However, like other hand, power tools and using proper form and technique with a hand saw it is important for your safety and to achieve the desired result.
First of all, read the documentation comes with the hand saw packaged you’ve bought. All Hand saws are not the same, so that in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations will help you to use both the saw properly and protect yourself. Hand saws are available in various types, which are designed for different purposes, so make sure you are using the correct type of blade for the task at hand. For example, some saw blades are used to cut grain, while others are designed for cutting against it.
Make sure the saw is sharp and clean before you begin. The first step is to use a hand saw – determining exactly of where the incision will be made – starting before taking saw. Create a line to guide your cut, double check that your measurements and angles are correct. Also, make sure that the surface to be cut is stable.