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Lohri is one of the favorite festivals celebrated by people belonging to the caste of the Punjabi people. This holiday is celebrated every night on January 13th. The festival originated in the state of Punjab, India and is now celebrated throughout the country and wherever Punjabi people is located.


During the celebration of Lohri, all members of the family light a fire and sit around it. The holiday begins when all family members form a circle around the fire and begin to rotate around it. This rotation of participants around the fire is known as “Agni Ke Phere“. As they move, they murmur a special mantra known as the ‘Gayatri Mantra’. With each round, they sacrifice a mixture of 5 edible items. With the completion of each round, they put the mixture into the fire, decisively saying “Swaha”. This sacrifice is known as ‘Aahuti’. This process is repeated 7 times.

Kids and Family Member’s Celebration

After performing this ritual, children dance around the fire, sing and play with each other. Since the weather is pretty cold this season, everyone likes it. Family members sit together by the fire and sing, talk and have fun, enjoying the taste of the mixture that is left behind after sacrificing it in the fire. This remaining stuff is known as ‘Prasad’ and refer to it as the fruit from God (Agni Deva).

Newly Wedded Couples and their Family Members’ Celebration

In Punjabi families, Lohri is an important holiday, and people love to celebrate it. In Indian culture, marriage is considered a religious act, and the newly-wed wife is considered a blessing from God. With this in mind, all members of the family who are associated with newly wedding couples celebrate Lohri, arranging huge parties. Guests are invited and an appropriate dinner is organized. After the celebration of Lohri, that is, after Agni Ke Phere’ and ‘Aahuti’, all guests give the bride and groom their blessings and good wishes, as well as gifts they give to couples. Children sing and dance around the fire, and everyone enjoys the evening of Lohri.

The tradition of Lohri is quite old, but today it is celebrated with the same respect and enthusiasm by all families of Punjab around the world. The season when this festival arrives is in the winter and the atmosphere is chilled. So everyone likes to sit around the fire. It makes them feel comfortable and relaxed.
