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The holy book is an excellent source of comfort during difficult times. When you are very worried, try to close your eyes, think about God, ask for a solution to your problems and open up the holy book you often read, and choose any passage or line. If your prayer was sincere and cordial, then a specific line or passage will contain answers or words of comfort that will give you complete solace to your mind.
God’s ways are great. His grace above par. But a person must be willing to accept the souls of his love, which are greater than the love of thousands of mothers. The human heart should not look like a pot with a lot of holes that can not hold water. Holes, such as jealousy, greed, lust, vice, anger and ego, must be closed to fully receive God’s grace and retain it to enjoy a satisfying life.
The daily reading of the holy books for a few minutes will remind the person of his own divine connection with God and will lead him to a gradual understanding that the material world is not eternal. Holy books not only teach us God’s ways and rules, but also represent great comfort in difficult times.
Prayers must come out of the heart and be righteous in order to be effective. A person should not pray for something that is harmful to others. Such prayers will not be answered. This is the sincerity and simplicity of the heart that God wants, not fanfare, festoons or a heap of flowers or other offerings.