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J, is the tenth letter of the alphabet. It was no different from writing to relatively modern times.
It was the custom in medieval manuscripts to spread the letter when the letter “I” was in a prominent place, especially when it was initial. To begin with, I usually had a cohesive force. The elongated form was definitely considered a consonant and short vowel form regardless of any position. The differentiation process began around the 14th century, but was not completed until the 17th century. For certain purposes — for example, in alphabetical order — the letters I and J are not always considered separate, the list sometimes varies from I to K.
In English, J represents the same sound (dž) of all positions, and deviations from it are extremely rare, even for words of foreign origin. However, in the bird name jaeger, the sound dž and sound y are recognized, and in some personal and native names of Spanish origin (for example, Javier, La Jolla) the sound of h is current in English usage.