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It’s no secret that Italian cuisine is one of the most popular food classes in the world and lasagna is king. Lasagna is an extremely versatile dish that can be changed and created in many new and tasty interpretations. The basic lasagna recipe calls for pasta, ground veal or ground beef, tomato sauce, and ricotta cheese. This does not mean that it is the only way for people to enjoy a welcome dish and filling lasagna.
With a lasagna recipe, it’s almost traditional to change the pieces to make your own unique lasagna dish. This can be accomplished with very subtle little spice changes. You can add hot peppers, rosemary, or thyme in different amounts to add a more defined taste experience. If you choose to use different meats or combinations of meats, you will also be in for a splendid taste treat. Many cooks will combine ground chicken, sausage, and turkey in a lasagna dish. Other cooks may choose to add vegetables instead of meats to give the meal a vegetarian touch. Even without meat, you will appreciate how filling and nutritious the lasagna dish can be.
There are a certain depth and taste that can only be achieved if you concoct your entire lasagna recipe from scratch, and it is much easier to do than you might think. Preparing lasagna noodles is easy if you use a machine for this, but you can also prepare homemade lasagna noodles by hand and cut them with a knife or kitchen shears. For many cooks, the idea of making lasagna with something other than homemade noodles is a frightful notion. Today, cooks have the choice of going with homemade lasagna noodles or using prepared lasagna noodles. You can even go to many local food markets and find homemade noodles that you can buy if you still want to use as many of the more traditional ingredients as possible, but you’re pressed for time.
Lasagna is one of the few dishes that enjoys such acceptance in a large crowd in almost all contexts. Many people turn to a lasagna recipe when they need something for a potluck at church or school. One of the very practical features of lasagna dishes is that they can be easily frozen for later use.