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The liquid is a practically non-shrinking fluid that conforms to the shape of the container, but maintains (almost) a constant volume, regardless of pressure. As such, it is one of the four basic states of matter (the rest are solid, gaseous, and plasma) and is the only state of a certain volume, but not a fixed form.
Liquid consists of small vibrating particles of a substance, similar to atoms, which are held together by intermolecular bonds. Like gas, liquid can flow and take the form of a container. Most liquids withstand compression, although others can be compressed. Unlike gas, liquid is not sprayed to fill any space of the container and maintains a relatively constant density. A distinctive feature of the liquid state is surface tension, which leads to wetting phenomena. Water is the most common liquid on earth.
The density of a liquid is usually close to the density of a solid and much higher than in a gas. Consequently, liquid and solid substances are called condensed substances. On the other hand, since liquids and gases have the ability to flow, they are called liquids. Although liquid water is abundant on Earth, this state of matter is in fact the least common in the known universe, since liquids require a relatively narrow temperature/pressure range for existence. The most famous matter in the universe is in gaseous form (with traces of detectable solids), like interstellar clouds or in the plasma from inside stars.
Liquid is one of the four basic states of matter, and the rest is solid, gas and plasma. Liquid is a fluid. Unlike a solid, molecules in a liquid have much more freedom to move. The forces that bind the molecules together in a solid are only temporary in the liquid, allowing the liquid to flow as long as the solid remains solid.
Liquid particles bind tightly but not firmly. They can move freely, causing limited particle mobility. With increasing temperature, increased vibration of molecules leads to an increase in the distances between molecules. When the liquid reaches the boiling point, the binding forces that bind the molecules are tightly destroyed, and the liquid passes into a gaseous state (if no overheating occurs). If the temperature drops, the distances between the molecules become smaller. When a liquid reaches its freezing point, the molecules are usually blocked in a very specific order, called crystallization, and the bonds become more rigid, transferring the liquid to a solid state (unless supercooling occurs).