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Sofas is called by many names, as we know, they are called couches, but they are also called sofas, chaise lounges, davenport or Chesterfield. But that’s not all, they also have different names due to their different styles, such as a two-seater, three-seater, corner sofa or perhaps a chaise longue. The smaller version of the sofa is sometimes called the love seat, and as you probably already know, there are sofas that fold out into beds, as well as futons that are incredibly similar. There are even lounges or sophisticated canopy sofas for privacy or decoration.

Not many people collect antique sofas or have sofas of older styles. In fact, I don’t think this is a bad idea. If you want to decorate your home with antiques themes – with beautiful furniture, accessories and other décor, a lounge similar to the design used in ancient Rome can be extremely beautiful. The unique look of such a motive will be incredibly impressive for your guests and also create an elegant atmosphere for you and your family.

Sofas or Couches are usually found in the living room and / or other lounging areas of a given abode. If you are renovating your home, you might consider buying a new sofa. Sofas are available in many styles and have been very popular throughout history. Now almost everyone who lives in a house, apartment, etc., has a sofa. Like a TV or radio, a sofa is one of the most important pieces of furniture in your home, regardless of your income. If you search in the right place, you can find a great sofa for a low price,too!

Until the 20th century, a sofa or couch was called a long upholstered seat – one end was tilted enough for a person to climb onto it and lean on their head. In the late Middle Ages, a sofa almost meant a daybed, and again, we have our modern versions of a couch, right? The window seats are also very beautiful, comfortable, luxurious and easy to install.

The couch was the most popular and common type of sofa in the 17th century. Especially in the 19th century, a sofa, couch or lounge bed was often considered a women’s lounging seat. However, going back to history, men will often sit while eating or relaxing, while women will stand or sit in chairs. In fact, it wasn’t until the industrial era that sofas finally began to appear in the homes of more and more common people. It soon became so that almost everyone, single people, couples and / or entire families, received at least one sofa for their home.
