Mother love, parental love and friendship are the three most important types of love and romantic love is in the fifth place. However, passionate love and sexual love rank low on the list.

Love is pure, love is painful, love is sweet, love is dreadful. True love is overwhelming. Our life depends on it, and it often looks like our planet will stop rotating, if love does not exist. Love is what we seek and what we mourn the loss of. As a love fact it only takes only 4 minutes to decide whether you like someone or not.

Some extraordinary research has shown that couples who are in love and connection in a romantic relationship, synchronized with the heart rate after looking into the eyes of each of them for three minutes. Falling in love is a lot like taking a dose of cocaine, both experiences affect the brain and cause a similar feeling of euphoria.

Many psychological and social studies show that there is a significant pattern in how people choose people to create a romantic relationship. This model can explain the coincidence hypothesis, which states that people are more attracted to the fact that they share a level of attractiveness, or in other words, it is equally desirable for society. Even if successful couples differ in physical attractiveness, one of them is usually compensated with other socially desirable qualities.

Top 10 Love Quotes

  1. Love is the most beautiful thing to have, hardest thing to earn and most painful thing to lose.
  2. You can’t force someone to love you. The best you can do is strive to be someone worthy of loving. – Dipper Pines
  3. Love is the most beautiful thing to have, hardest thing to earn and most painful thing to lose.
  4. I have to remind myself to breathe — almost to remind my heart to beat!
  5. To those who have given up on love: I say, ‘Trust life a little bit.
  6. True love doesn’t mean being inseparable; it means being separated and nothing changes.
  7. Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead.
  8. To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.
  9. Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.
  10. Ever since I was small I loved feeling somebody comb my hair. It made me go all sleepy and peaceful.