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Mr. Bean is a British comedy series created by Rowan Atkinson and Richard Curtis, produced by Tiger Aspect, and starring Atkinson in the title role. The sitcom consisted of 15 episodes that were co-written by Atkinson along with Curtis and Robin Driscoll; for the pilot, it was co-author Ben Elton. The series was originally broadcast on ITV, starting with a pilot on January 1, 1990 and ending with Mr. Bean’s Best Bits on December 15, 1995.
Based on the character initially developed by Atkinson when he was studying for a master’s degree at Oxford University, the series is dedicated to Mr. Bean, whom Atkinson called “a child in the body of an adult,” as he solves various problems that arise in everyday life. tasks and often causes process failures. The series has been influenced by physical comedians such as Jacques Tati and those from early silent films.
During his initial five-year run, Mr. Bean has been widely recognized and attracted a wide television audience. The series was watched by 18.74 million viewers for the episode “The Trouble with Mr. Bean” and received a number of international awards, including “Rose d’Or”. The series was also sold in 245 territories around the world and inspired the creation of an animated side film and two theatrical feature films along with Atkinson as Mr. Bean to perform at the 2012 Summer Olympics opening ceremony in London, television commercials and several sketches for Comic Relief. Besides the recognition of the show, another reason for the attractiveness of the show in hundreds of territories around the world is the fact that the show uses very little intelligible dialogue, which makes it very accessible for people who do not know English well or do not know it at all.
Mr. Bean’s character was developed when Rowan Atkinson was preparing for his master’s degree in electrical engineering at The Queen’s College, Oxford. A sketch depicting Bean was shown in the Edinburgh Fringe in the early 1980s. A similar character named Robert Box, also played by Atkinson, appeared on the 1979 ITV one-time sitcom, Canned Laughter, which also featured the procedures used in the film in 1997.
One of Bean’s earliest performances took place at the “Just for Laughs” comedy festival in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, in 1987. When the program coordinators planned his participation in the festival program, Atkinson insisted that he speak on a French-language account, and not on the English-language program. Having no French dialogue in action, the program coordinators could not understand why Atkinson wanted instead to speak on the French bill. As it turned out, Atkinson’s performance at the festival became a testing platform for his character, and he wanted to see how his character’s physical comedy would develop in the international arena with a non-English audience.