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Nightwing is a fictional superhero that appears in American comics published by DC Comics. The characters appeared in various incarnations, and the Nightwing identity was most notably adopted when Dick Grayson reinvented his role as Batman’s vigilante partner Robin. Nightwing is commonly associated with Batman, but the title and concept originated in the classic Superman story.

The Nightwing in DC Comics was the identity taken on by the alien superhero Superman when he was stranded by his friends Jimmy Olsen and the city of Kryptonian of Kandor. Inspired by Batman and Robin, the two defend Kandor as a superhero Night Wing and Flame Bird. Following the restart of the Infinite Earth Crisis’s continuity in 1985, Nightwing re-established as a legendary vigilante from Krypton, whose story inspired Robin Dick Grayson’s choice of name when he leaves behind his Robin identity.

In other stories featuring characters from the Batman family, acquaintances and friends of Richard John “Dick” Grayson have quickly taken over the title, including fellow Robin alumnus Jason Todd. On the other hand, in Superman’s story, Superman’s adoptive Chris Kent and the Power Girl feature their names in short turns as Nightwing. Various other characters had also adopted this name in stories set outside of DC’s main continuity, sometimes playing its role when Dick Grayson acted as Batman or after faking his death.

In 2013, Nightwing ranked fifth in IGN’s DC Comics Top 25 Hero, and Grayson was ranked in the Comics Alliance 2013 as one of the sexiest male characters in the comic.

The Nightwing was first depicted in “Superman in Kandor” in Superman #158 (January 1963). This is an alias used by Superman in pre-crisis stories. The story is set in Kandor, a Kryptonian city, shrunken by Brainiac and preserved in a bottle. In Kandor, Superman does not have a superpower and was named an outlaw there for misunderstanding.

Superman and Jimmy Olsen create a vigilante identity inspired by Batman and Robin to disguise. Neither bats nor Robin lived in Krypton, so Superman chose two birds owned by Kandorian friend Nor-Kan: The Nightwing for himself and the Flamebird for Jimmy. Nightwing and Flamebird rename the Nor-Kan underground lab to “Nightcave” and use it as a secret headquarters. Besides, they also convert the Nor-Kan automobile into a “night mobile” and use the “jet-belts” to participate in the battle.

Jimmy Olsen “The Dynamic Duo of Kandor” introduces the Nightwing dog, Nighthound. In World Finest, Batman and Superman’s feud, Batman and Robin visit Kandor with Superman and Olsen in partnership with two dynamic duos.
