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Pepe, also known as “Sad Frog,” is a cartoon character created by artist Matt Furie in 2005. Originally featured in his comic book “Boy’s Club,” Pepe quickly became a popular meme on social media platforms such as 4chan and Reddit.
Pepe is depicted as a green anthropomorphic frog with bulging eyes and a sad expression. He often wears a red or blue shirt and is shown in various situations where he appears to be resigned to his fate or experiencing some form of despair.
The popularity of Pepe as a meme led to the creation of numerous variations, with different facial expressions and themes. These include “Good Boy Pepe,” “Angry Pepe,” and “Feels Good Man Pepe.”
The Meaning of Pepe
As a meme, Pepe has taken on various meanings and interpretations. Originally, Pepe was used to express a sense of sadness or disappointment, with the phrase “feels bad man” often associated with the character.
Over time, Pepe has been associated with different attitudes and beliefs. Some users use Pepe as a symbol of right-wing politics, while others use the character to express nihilistic or anti-establishment views.
Despite the varied interpretations of Pepe, the character remains popular as a meme and is often used as a way to express emotions or opinions on social media.
The Controversy Surrounding Pepe
Despite his popularity, Pepe has also been the subject of controversy. In 2016, Pepe was added to the Anti-Defamation League’s list of hate symbols due to its association with white supremacist groups.
The original creator of Pepe, Matt Furie, has also spoken out against the character’s association with hate groups and extremist views. In 2017, Furie launched a campaign to “Save Pepe” and reclaim the character from those who have used it for hateful purposes.
While Pepe has been associated with controversy, it is important to recognize that the character itself is not inherently hateful or offensive. Like any meme, Pepe has taken on different meanings and interpretations depending on the context in which it is used.
Pepe is a cartoon character who has become widely popular as a meme on social media platforms. While the character has been associated with controversy and hate groups, it is important to recognize that the character itself is not inherently hateful or offensive. Ultimately, the meaning of Pepe is determined by those who use it, and its usage and interpretation may continue to evolve over time.