Pepsi Logo PNG Transparent Images


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Pepsi Logo PNG File

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During World War II in the 1940s, the present Pepsi logo was created. On a white backdrop, Pepsi revealed a new bottle cap with the Pepsi letters surrounded by red and blue colors. The cap design was intended as a display of patriotism because Pepsi’s script logo was similar to that of its primary competitor, Coca-Cola.

The Pepsi logo, which was in use from 1962 to 1973 and was the first to do away with the term ‘cola,’ was the first of its kind.
Around 1945, the hat logo became Pepsi’s primary logo. In 1962, the logo was modified as a bottle cap, with the writing replaced with a contemporary “Pepsi” type treatment.

From 1973 to 1987, this logo was used. Until 2014, this logo was used by Pepsi Throwback.

The wordmark was established in Handel Gothic, and the logo was used from 1987 until 1991.
The logo was changed once again in 1973, when the wordmark was shrunk to fit within the white part. The bottle cap theme was discarded, and the logo was flanked on the left by a red bar and on the right by a light-blue bar. The red bar would be on the bottom and the light-blue bar would be on the top or removed in a vertical form of this.

The wordmark was detached from the globe in this logo from September 24, 1991, to January 1998.
On a standard Pepsi product in 1991, no typography of any sort would be used in the white portion of the logo. The red bar would be somewhat longer, the light-blue bar would be deleted, and the Pepsi wordmark would be placed to the top.

The logo, which was used from January 1998 to February 3, 2003, used shading to make the globe look like a ball.
When Pepsi switched to all-blue packaging in 1998, the red bar was eliminated, and the Pepsi Globe was graphically detailed to look three-dimensional. This was the first time the logo was referred to as the “Pepsi Globe.” When the font was modified and the Pepsi Globe grew more detailed in early 2003, the design was enhanced. When Pepsi changed the package in 2006, it stayed substantially the same, with changing backgrounds on each can, albeit the color remained blue.

From February 4, 2003, through June 1, 2006, the company utilized a logo that employed highlighting to simulate an uneven three-dimensional appearance.

The logo was used from June 2, 2006, to mid-2009, and it added water droplets and ice pieces to the existing highlights.
The Arnell Group, managed by Peter Arnell, was engaged in 2008 to create and implement a new logo globally. The “”Pepsi Globe”” is the name given to the resulting piece. In 2009, Arnell’s new logo concept was leaked, and it was widely criticized in the media as “nonsensical” and “brand-equity pop-psychobabble.”

The logo, which was in use from October 15, 2008, until June 1, 2014, restored flat coloring and added a new shape that resembled a ‘P’ or a grin.

Pepsi said in October 2008 that it will change its logo and rebrand several of its products by mid-2009. Arnell Group, a brand consultancy firm located in New York, was recruited on a $1 million contract to modernize the brand, which resulted in a 27-page design proposal titled BREATHTAKING Design Strategy. A person claiming to be an industry freelancer then released the material on Reddit, where it received mixed reviews. The letter was described as “bizarre” and “nonsensical” in some press stories, and allegations circulated that it was a fake manufactured by the Arnell Group as part of a viral marketing effort. Peter Arnell, the agency’s namesake, remarked on the project in an interview with AdAge:

“When I was designing the Pepsi logo, I told Pepsi that I wanted to spend a month in Asia, in China and Japan, tucking myself away and simply designing, studying, and creating it… There was a lot of research, a lot of consumer data points… and I had a lot of conversations with Pepsi, customers, and merchants. We were quite aware of our actions.”

Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, and Pepsi Max now use all lower-case fonts for name brands, Mountain Dew has been renamed “Mtn Dew,” and Diet Pepsi Max has been re-branded as Pepsi Max, because the original 1993 version is no longer available in the United States. The new imagery is now being used. The new lower-case font for Pepsi products is similar to the font used in the Diet Pepsi logo from the 1970s until the mid-1980s.
