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Pins are small metal devices used to attach or hold several objects together. They are usually made of steel and made of thin wire. They have pointed tips and flat heads to clip or hold objects together. It also helps the sharp tip from remaining exposed and harm the user. Previously, pins were made of iron and bones, until the popularity of metals expanded the various ways of using pins. The use of pins significantly reduced the use of ribbons and strings for binding documents and storing things.
Modern pins come in different shapes and sizes, each of which fulfills its own individual goal. There are pins, safety pins, pins for jewelry, push pins, clotter pins, hair pins, lapel pins and clevis pins, and many others. Pins are used for office desks and dressing tables. Although the pins are mainly made of steel, they are now also made of brass, enamel, various metals and plastics. The pins used for office work are relatively light and simple, while those used for jewelry are decorative and heavier. They are known to cater to casual and complex styles.
Pins for jewelry come in different shapes, with the forms of animals, birds, fish, flags, angels, flowers and insects. They are decorated with flowers, finishes, gloss and stones to give a great look to costumes and uniforms.
Walter Hunt invented the safety pin by forming an eight-inch brass pin into a curved pin with a shield and spring. This is a simple fastening device, a variant of the usual pin, which includes a simple mechanism and a clasp. They are mainly used for attaching pieces of fabric.