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Pink Floyd is a really great rock band, they experiment with different sounds and equipment to create progressive sounds, psychedelics and space rock with meaningful lyrics and exceptional lighting and visual effects.
Members: Syd Barrett, Roger Waters, David Gilmour, Nick Mason, Richard Wright, Bob Klose
Genres: Progressive rock, Art rock, Psychedelic rock
Fact: Pink Floyd is the ninth-highest-certified music artist in the US (75 million album certifications).
The band started in 1965 with members Syd Barrett, Roger Waters, Nick Mason and Richard Wright. Some band members started out in previous bands, such as Sigma 6, The Meggadeaths, and The screaming Abdabs all formed in 1964. Members of this band, such as guitarist Bob Klose, lead guitar and bassist Roger Waters, Nick Mason and future keyboard player Rick Wright, in a new band bass player Roger Waters, drummer Nick Mason, and future keyboardist Rick Wright joined a new band called The Tea Set with Syd Barrett which then changed the band name to The Pink Floyd sound. The group under its new name performs the blues and rhythm music without Bob Close, who left the band to become a photographer.
Pink Floyd was featured in the American Rock Roll Hall of Fame in 1996 and the UK Hall of Fame in 2005. By 2013, they had sold over 250 million records worldwide.
The discography of the British rock band Pink Floyd consists of fifteen studio albums, three live albums, nine compilation albums, four sets of boxes, five extended plays and twenty-seven singles.