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A printer is a device that accepts text and graphic output from a computer and transmits information on paper, usually on standard size paper. Printers vary in size, speed, complexity and price. As a rule, more expensive printers are used for color printing with a higher resolution.
PC printers can be distinguished as impact or non-impact printers. Early impact printers worked as an automatic typewriter with a key striking on inked paper for each printed character. Dot matrix printer was a popular inexpensive printer for personal computers. It’s an impact printer that strikes the paper a line at a time.
The most well-known high-impact printers are inkjet printers, examples of which are several models of inexpensive color printers and a laser printer. Inkjet prints ink from the ink cartridge very close to the paper when it rolls.
A laser printer uses a laser beam reflected from a mirror to attract ink (called toner) to selected areas of paper when the sheet turns over onto the drum.
Printer languages are commands from the computer to the printer that tell the printer how to format the printed document. These commands control font size, graphics, data compression sent to the printer, color, etc. The two most popular print languages are Postscript and the Printer Control Language.