Rapunzel PNG Transparent Images


Download free Rapunzel PNG Transparent Images, vectors, and clipart for personal or non-commercial projects. Ideal for any design or creative projects. To view the full PNG image in its original resolution, simply click on any of the thumbnails below.

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Rapunzel Tangled Hair Fairy Tale Animation PNG

610.42 KB
Disney princess, Rapunzel character, animated horse, magical fairytale, Rapunzel PNG

Rapunzel Disney Princess and Magical Fairytale Clipart

411.12 KB
Rapunzel character, Disney princess, animated film, Tangled, Rapunzel PNG

Rapunzel Disney Princess in Tangled Animated Film Free HD PNG

765.17 KB
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Rapunzel Disney Princess with Long Hair in Kingdom Free PNG

692.87 KB
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Rapunzel Disney Princess Long Hair Illustration Free Clipart

934.64 KB
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Rapunzel Long Hair Animated Princess Illustration Free Clipart

170.39 KB
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Rapunzel Animated Fairy Tale Princess with Long Hair PNG Cutout

400.24 KB
Rapunzel character, animated princess, long golden hair, fairytale illustration, Rapunzel PNG

Rapunzel Animated Princess with Long Golden Hair PNG File

111.33 KB
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Rapunzel Animated Princess with Long Hair in Disney Free PNG

163.30 KB
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Rapunzel Fairy Tale Princess with Long Blonde Hair Free Clipart

1,005.76 KB
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Rapunzel Animated Princess Whimsical Fantasy Art PNG Cutout

231.10 KB
Rapunzel, Flynn Rider, animated characters, Disney movie, Rapunzel PNG

Rapunzel and Flynn Rider in Disney Animation PNG Cutout

1.14 MB

Rapunzel is the protagonist of Disney’s 2010 animated film Tangled. This beautiful princess with long, magic, golden hair who with the help of a handsome thief Flynn Ryder, leaving her lonely tower to explore the outside world.

Inspired by the protagonist of a classic German fairy tale “Rapunzel” by the Brothers Grimm, it is the 10th official member of the Disney Princess Royal Court.

Rapunzel is the beautiful collection of stories for children. The story of Rapunzel is the best way to present the Italian Renaissance art and fairy tale to your child.

Tangled is a 2010s American computer-animated musical fantasy/comedy film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios. This is the 50th animated feature in the series of Walt Disney Animated Classics. The film is based on a German fairy tale Rapunzel by the Brothers Grimm.

The film was originally titled and marketed as Rapunzel, until it was changed to Tangled shortly before its release. It premiered in theaters on November 24, 2010.
