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A scooter, also known as a motorbike with a step-through frame and a platform for the rider’s feet, is a motorcycle with a step-through frame and a platform for the rider’s feet. Some of the first motorcycles included elements of scooter design, and scooters have been manufactured since at least 1914. Between the two World Wars, scooter development proceeded in Europe and the United States.
The Vespa and Lambretta models were introduced in Italy after WWII, and they quickly became famous across the world. These scooters were designed to be a cost-effective mode of personal mobility (engines from 50 to 150 cc or 3.1 to 9.2 cu in). In this application, the original layout is still commonly utilised. Maxi-scooters have been designed for Western markets, with engines ranging from 150 to 850 cc (9.2 to 51.9 cu in).
Scooters are popular as personal transportation because they are less expensive, easier to use, and easier to park and store than cars. In most areas of the globe, licencing and insurance requirements for scooters are simpler and less expensive than for vehicles. The name “motor scooter” is occasionally used to differentiate it from a “kick scooter,” although it might be mistaken with “powered scooters,” which are a different type of scooter.
Some jurisdictions do not distinguish between motorbikes and scooters. Smaller engine scooters (usually 50cc maximum) are classified as mopeds rather than motorcycles in some jurisdictions, which means they are subject to less restrictions (for example, 50cc scooters can be driven with a normal car drivers licence in many jurisdictions, and might pay less road–tax and be subject to less stringent roadworthiness testing).
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) advises that all of these vehicles be referred to as motorcycles for all legal purposes in the United States of America. While the phrase “motor scooter” is excluded from the legal definition, the NHTSA goes on to provide extensive instructions on how to import a small motor scooter in the same document.