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Serena Tsukino is a teenager who is described as a daydreamer, a little careless, not the best student, and a bit of a crying baby. Here is the story of her transformation into a fighter for justice – Sailor Moon.
If you are one of the legions of fans of this anime that revolves around a team of magical girls, using superpowers to fight evil, then you will be familiar with this story.
Serena’s life is changed forever when, on the way to school, she rescues a black cat from a group of children who taunt her. She later learns that the cat can speak. Her name is Luna, and she gives Serena a brooch and tells her to say: “Moon prism power, make up.” With these words, Serena is transformed into a superhero – Sailor Moon – a fighter for justice.
After finally defeating the villain in the initial anime episode, another of the characters – Tuxedo Kamen – completes it on a job well done, and her eyes filled with hearts.
She is then told that in addition to fighting for justice, part of her mission is to find the other sailor scouts: Sailor Mercury, Sailor Venus, and Sailor Mars. She also receives several special items to help her use her superpowers, starting with the transformation pin, the transformation pen, and a communication device that she uses to speak to other marine scouts in an emergency.
The Sailor Moon costume comes from a very warm and popular animated tradition. It is completed by the original blue and white sailor dress with a large red bow at the neckline decorated with a heart in the middle. There are long white gloves with a blue cuff and a magic necklace included with this Halloween costume. You can add Chacha Boot Red to your Sailor moon costume for a complete look.