Silver PNG Transparent Images


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Silver often plays second fiddle to the other precious metal gold, but this element has specific properties that are worth a good look.

The price of silver is now less than that of gold will vary depending on demand sources and detection methods of the present invention to separate the metal from other elements. In ancient Egypt and medieval European countries, silver is valued more highly than gold.

For example, all of the metals, pure silver is the best conductor of heat and electricity, according to the Jefferson National Accelerator Laboratory Linear. This is the best reflector of visible light, so it is often used in the production of mirrors – although silver tarnish and turn dark grey when exposed to air, it requires periodic buffing.

Metallic silver is not toxic to humans. In fact, it can be used as a decoration of food. However, most of the silver salts are not toxic. Silver has the bactericidal action, which means that kills bacteria and other organisms that are lower.

Silver is very shiny! This is the reflective element, which makes it useful as a mirror, telescope, microscope, and solar batteries. Polished silver affects 95% of the visible light spectrum. However, silver is a poor reflector to ultraviolet light.

The most common form of silver is sterling silver. Silver is composed of 92.5% silver and the balance consisting of other metals, usually copper.
