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People who are slow sometimes get a bad reputation and are criticized for taking too much time or not being determined enough. Slowness is a silly quality that people complain about, despite all the benefits of being slightly slower than most, such as being patience and being able to really listen to the person who speaks the most.
Slow people don’t particularly like the feeling of haste. They appreciate being able to get things done at a relaxed and comfortable pace. Some may complain that they need to get their butts in gear, but they need to understand that different person are connected in different ways.
To be honest, many people have pretty superficial beliefs and ideas. Slow people don’t want to get into this number, wasting time on complex, insightful thoughts.
Anyone who eats or slowly reads a book really gets the most out of it. Some people are in a hurry to enjoy what they consume. Slow people know better than they do.
Many people scream the first thing that comes to mind and suffer from it. Slow people don’t make this mistake by looking for the best rather than the fastest answers.
Slow people don’t always like to talk, but they tend to appreciate being able to hear someone share their story. Everyone loves someone who actually listens to them, not someone who just waits to step in and come back to talk about themselves.
Slow people tend to be introverted, which means that they draw their energy from being alone rather than interacting with others. It’s amazing that an hour of doing your own thing can help someone with a sluggish mood and energy.
Slow people are often perfectionists, dissatisfied with the idea of not fixing everything. But that just means they make fewer mistakes.