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Slime is a unique play game material, consisting of a cross-linked polymer. It is classified as a liquid and is usually produced by combining polyvinyl alcohol solutions of borate ions in a large mixing container. It often has an unpleasant smell, green and cold and slippery to the touch.
A polymer is a giant molecule formed by combining many small molecules together with chemical bonds. There are a wide variety of natural polymers and synthetic polymers with different properties that make them that will be used in various fields, such as packaging, flooring, pipes, etc. The 3-dimensional structure of the polymer (matrix) determines its physical properties, such as strength and softness.
The molecular structure of slime is a factor of interesting behavior. Slime toys consist of entangled polymer molecules with a long chain. These polymer molecules can be considered as spaghetti strands. If put together in a bowl, blending the strands represent a complete mess. If the strands are rub against one another, they line up and become smoother. This motion gives a lot of slimly, slippery feeling.
Although mixing the polymer strands will give some built-in viscosity of the crosslinking agent present in the mud to hold a non-Newtonian fluid. Cross-linking ions that help temporarily bind polymer strands with relatively weak ionic bonds. These links are enough to keep the polymer fibers together strong, but not strong enough to make a solid mass.