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What Astrologers think about the Sun
A brilliant globe of light rises on the eastern horizon, and sets in the west with unerring regularity called sun awe inspired mankind since its inception. This is the only sole sustainer of life on earth is experiencing a constant synthesis reaction on the surface, as modern science, in which two hydrogen atoms are joined together to form one helium atom, and in the process an incredible amount of energy is released.Most of the attention of our ancients were focuses on the sun, that the well-known center of our solar system, as well as the fact that many of these suns are scattered in different galaxies. These and many other astronomical and astrological facts matter, well documented our ancient scriptures, including Suryasiddhanta.
A brilliant globe of light rises on the eastern horizon, and sets in the west with unerring regularity called sun awe inspired mankind since its inception. This is the only sole sustainer of life on earth is experiencing a constant synthesis reaction on the surface, as modern science, in which two hydrogen atoms are joined together to form one helium atom, and in the process an incredible amount of energy is released.Most of the attention of our ancients were focuses on the sun, that the well-known center of our solar system, as well as the fact that many of these suns are scattered in different galaxies. These and many other astronomical and astrological facts matter, well documented our ancient scriptures, including Suryasiddhanta.
In ancient lore, a story about the Mayan demon, who, after a long stopper has been blessed by God of the Sun, one of which appeared to him and gave him a boon. Maya wants to make known the mystery and secret mechanisms of nature and the science of Jyotish explained to the sun-god himself. Jyotisha contains both predictable and mathematical part.
Astrologically, if the Sun is strongly placed or afflicted in any way, it can have adverse effects on the above-mentioned values.