What is PADI eLearning
Electronic learning (eLearning) is the delivery of education, using your mobile device or web browser. PADI eLearning allows you to begin your dive education at your convenience, using your desktop, laptop or mobile device, and finish your training in the water with a PADI Professional. With PADI eLearning, you complete the knowledge development (academic) portion of the most popular courses at your own pace – studying anytime and anywhere you have a high-speed internet connection or after you have downloaded the product. If you have a busy schedule or just prefer the convenience of learning from your mobile device or computer, eLearning is a great choice. Some of our most popular eLearning courses available are:
- Open Water Diver
- Advanced Open Water Diver
- Rescue Diver
- Divemaster
- Enriched Air Diver
- Digital Underwater Photographer
- ReActivate
- Dive Theory
Which eLearning product is right for me?
Open Water Diver eLearning is for beginners who want to learn to scuba dive and earn their first diver certification.
Advanced Open Water Diver is perfect for certified divers who are looking to improve their dive skills, learn some new ones or spend more time working with a PADI Instructor. The eLearning product includes fourteen sections that can be thought of as a specialty course “sampler.”
Enriched Air Diver provides the knowledge base for PADI’s most popular specialty course. Learn the benefits, safety considerations and important procedures of diving with enriched air nitrox (air with a higher oxygen content).
Digital Underwater Photographer teaches you the SEA (shoot, examine, adjust) method to quickly and easily capture your favorite and most exciting moments underwater. This online program also includes an overview of underwater videography.
ReActivate® is a review program that allows you to refresh your scuba knowledge and safe diving practices. Refresh your diving knowledge before going to your PADI Dive Center or Resort to practice your dive skills and receive a replacement certification card with a ReActivated date on it.
Dive Theory is great if you’re looking to improve your dive theory knowledge. PADI Divemaster candidates, Instructor Development Course (IDC)-bound Pros, IDC Staff Instructor candidates and Course Director Training Course applicants can also use the program to prepare for exams.
I’m having problems registering for eLearning. What may be the cause?
Registration problems are typically caused by one of the following:
- No PADI Dive Center was chosen. You must choose a PADI Dive Center or your payment will not go through.
- Look for small red asterisks that indicate incomplete information. Please double check that you have completed all fields of the registration form.
- Using a mobile device? Internet connectivity is required to create your account and register for eLearning. It is also required to submit your knowledge development, quiz, and final exam scores; be sure you are connected to the internet before attempting to do any of these.
- Using Internet Explorer? The PADI eLearning system is not compatible with the 64-bit version of Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser. If you are using the 64-bit version (versus the 32-bit version) of Explorer, please update your browser or download an alternate browser – recommended browsers are Chrome Internet Explorer, Safari (for Mac), or Firefox.
- Got a firewall? Corporate proxy or company firewalls will also cause difficulties. The solution is to register from your home computer.
- Problem with your credit card?. Please ensure that your credit card information has been entered correctly and that the card has not expired.
In some cases, you’ll need to close your browser completely – exit and close the browser as opposed to only closing the tab or window – and try again. Restart your browser and go to PADI eLearning for students to complete the registration process.
If the steps above don’t solve the problem, please contact us:
- PADI Americas: [email protected]
- PADI Canada: [email protected]
- PADI Asia Pacific: [email protected]
- PADI Europe, Middle East and Africa: [email protected]
What do I do if I can’t remember my eLearning username or password?
Your eLearning username is the email address used during registration. If you have already tried your primary email, try any alternate email addresses you use.
Your password information will be sent to the email address associated with the account by clicking the Forgot Password link on the eLearning sign-in screen.
Where can I locate my PADI eRecord?
Sign in to PADI eLearning enter your login credentials, select the eLearning program in the drop-down menu, and click the “View your Performance & eRecord” link that appears below the course name, and then click on “View eRecord”.
The name on my eLearning account is misspelled. How can I change it?
Please contact your local PADI Regional Headquartes to correct the spelling of your name (please allow 5-10 business days):
- PADI Americas: [email protected]
- PADI Canada: [email protected]
- PADI Asia Pacific: [email protected]
- PADI Europe, Middle East and Africa: [email protected]
The email address associated with my eLearning account is misspelled. How can I change it?
Please contact your local PADI Reginal Headquarters to correct your email address. Only minor spelling mistakes can be corrected. You can not transfer from one email account to another email account (please allow 5-10 business days):
- PADI Americas: [email protected]
- PADI Canada: [email protected]
- PADI Asia Pacific: [email protected]
- PADI Europe, Middle East and Africa: [email protected]
I want to change the PADI Dive Center or Resort associated with my eLearning account. Can I do this?
Once registered, you can’t change the PADI Dive Center or Resort associated with your online program. However, the eRecord you receive when you complete your online study is accepted by any PADI Dive Center, Resort or Instructor worldwide. Where you complete your training is your choice, so it’s not necessary to change the store or instructor associated with your eLearning account.
My PADI eLearning® program indicates it is “expired” and will not let me continue. What does this mean?
PADI eLearning programs are valid for 12 months from the time you first log on. Prior to the end of this 12-month period, you’re reminded via email at 90 days and again at 60 days before the expiration date. If you let your PADI eLearning program expire, please contact your affiliated PADI Dive Center or Resort to discuss options for completing your training.
What is a PADI eLearning Gift Pass?
A PADI eLearning Gift Pass is very similar to an online gift certificate. Once purchased, a pin code is generated that allows the Gift Pass recipient to register for a specific PADI eLearning program right away. Anyone can purchase gift passes for any PADI eLearning program and give the gift of scuba diving to others. You are even able to provide a personal gift message to the recipient.
You can also customize your Gift Pass for special occasions:
- Birthdays
- Holidays
- Weddings
- Graduations
Do PADI eLearning Gift Passes expire?
No, gift passes do not expire. However, after a gift pass has been redeemed, the eLearner has 12 months to complete the online program.
If I sent a PADI eLearning Gift Pass to the wrong person, am I able to resend it to someone else?
Yes, until a gift pass is redeemed, you can resend it to someone else.
Can I print out a PADI eLearning Gift Pass and personally deliver it to a friend?
Yes, there is an option to print your Gift Pass in the PADI eLearning Gift Zone.
Is tax charged or payable on PADI eLearning Gift Passes?
Depending on your location, you may be charged VAT or GST, or there may be no sales tax at all.
How are PADI Dive Centers or Resorts affiliated with PADI eLearning Gift Passes?
There are two methods:
- Individuals who purchase PADI eLearning Gift Passes have the option of affiliating their gift passes with a PADI Dive Center or Resort. This can not be changed at redemption.
- If a purchaser doesn’t affiliate a Gift Pass to a specific PADI Dive Center or Resort, the person redeeming will be asked to select one.
How can someone redeem the PADI eLearning Gift Pass?
A pin code is generated at the time of purchase that allows the recipient to register for the PADI eLearning program. The pin code should be treated like cash, similar to any other gift certificate. Click here to redeem your Gift Pass
How can a purchaser distribute the PADI eLearning Gift Pass?
There are three distribution options:
- Email the Gift Pass as a gift.
- Print out a Gift Pass with the pin code to personally give it to the recipient.
- Verbally give someone the Gift Pass pin code to redeem.
Still have questions?
Please contact your local PADI Dive Center or Resort or contact your local PADI Regional Headquarters:
- PADI Americas: [email protected]
- PADI Canada: [email protected]
- PADI Asia Pacific: [email protected]
- PADI Europe, Middle East and Africa: [email protected]