
13 Pins
Anachronism-ы традИСТЕРИКОВ воюют и после 1914 года
Anachronism-ы традИСТЕРИКОВ воюют и после 1914 года : bskamalov — ЖЖ
Queen Nefertiti [Ancient Egyptian Queen] : Paper Dolls of Classic Stars, Vintage Fashion and Nostalgic Characters, for Kids and Collectors
Fashion illustrator Jim Howard, now a successful paper doll artist, is a god to every fashion illustrator. Description from paperdollreview.com. I searched for this on bing.com/images
One of hundreds of thousands of free digital items from The New York Public Library.
Hat Information & Resources
History of Hats: Egyptian, Mesopotamian, ancient Greek, ancient Roman, Byzantine & ecclesiastic, Saracenic or Moorish, medieval or Gothic, European helmets, Renaissance Europe, 17th century, 18th century, Directoire 1795-1799, French consulate & Empire 1800-1815, Romantic period, Victorian & Second Empire, 1870-1880, 1880-1890, 1890-1900, 1900-1910, 1910-1920, 1920-1930, 1930-1940, 1940-1944