Biology- Organ Systems

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Muscular System Unit
I'm limited by funds and time but can still pull of a successful dissection lab using chicken legs and thighs. They are fairly cheap, can be purchased tonight, and work well to teach about muscles, bones, connective tissues, cartilage, and types of joints. Directions and step by step sequence of the dissection and much more are provided. Link enclosed.
What to Eat and What to Avoid for Osteoporosis Prevention
Cleveland Clinic orthopaedic surgeon Kim Stearns, MD, shares some interesting bone facts plus ways to boost your bone health.
How does your brain control your body?
Reaction Time Activity - free hands-on science activity for 4th grade elementary kids. Part of a complete unit on Body: Body, Senses, & the Brain. Meets Common Core and NGSS.
Heart Diagram: Right/left Atria, Right/left Ventricles, Pulmonary Trunk, Aorta, Superior/inferior Vena Cavae, Pulmonary Veins, Coronary Sinus, Right/left Atrioventricular valves (tricuspid + bicuspid), Chordae Tendinae, Interatrial Septum, Interventricular Septum, Aortic and Pulmonary Semilunar Valves, Coronary Arteries and Cardiac Veins
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1.6 Many internal organs lie in membrane-lined body cavities: Human Anatomy and Physiology
Cardiovascular System Function | Cardio Health Research
Know all these parts of the circulatory system