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Filozofların mutlaka okumanız gereken başyapıtları
Filozofların mutlaka okumanız gereken başyapıtları - Gerçek Gündem
Women Who Kick Ass
Mariam “Al-Astrolabiya” Al-Ijliya: Why she kicks ass • She lived in the tenth century in Aleppo, Syria and was a famous scientist who designed and constructed astrolabes. • Astrolabes were global...
Top 10 inventions of All Time
Top 10 inventions of all time Watch Mojo These ideas changed the world. Join Watch Mojo as we count down our picks for the top 10 inventions of all time. #oneworld #programaoneworld #oneworldprogram #theoneandforallfoundation #one #weareone #somosuno