Technology Lessons

29 Pins
Google Tools and Activities for Music Education
A lot of times it is common to focus on "The Big 4" of language arts, math, science, and social studies, when exploring technology tools f...
How to Create Digital Portfolios
1. Google Docs: A simple way for a student to create a portfolio. The student simply creates a new page for each unit or chapter. The student can include typed reflections on their learning or a…
Redefining annotation: Ditch That PDF and hyper-annotate
Redefining annotation: Ditch That PDF and hyper-annotate | Ditch That Textbook
20 ways to use Pear Deck to engage students
Instead of doing the traditional lecture, engage students actively with Pear Deck. Ask questions. Students answer. Everyone wins.
Finding a class to partner with virtually AND activities to do together
find class partner with virtually activities to do together (2) (1)
20 digital bell ringer activities to kickstart class
10 MORE digital bell-ringer activities to kickstart class (Part 2) | Ditch That Textbook
To Test Your Fake News Judgment, Play This Game
"When we started on the game, fake news, the term that we know now, wasn't even in the vernacular."
Classroom video calls. You can do this. Here’s how.
Christian talked about how the flood waters were up to his waist in his house. His classmate described how his dogs cowered under the bed during the hurricane. An articulate fifth grader with tight…
22 killer keyboard shortcuts (and a challenge!) for busy educators
22 killer keyboard shortcuts (and a challenge!) for busy educators | Ditch That Textbook