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The Year Ahead Tarot Spread Reading For 2025
Step confidently into 2025 with The Year Ahead Tarot Spread. If you seek genuine tarot insights for the opportunities and challenges of 2025, try this divine spread. The comprehensive guidance cover various aspects of your life, including career, love, spirituality, and personal growth. #yearahead #tarotreading #futurepredictions #tarotspread #divination #spiritualguidance
Herbal Lore - Gentian
Folk Names: Bitter Root, Yellow Gentian, Hochwurzel Magikal Use: Gentian is added to love Sachets, Charm Bags and used in love baths, it generally will add additional power to a spell. Gentian helps to counteract the effects of evil spells that spin a web of illusion and loss of reality, it can aid in regaining a grip and showing things for what they really are. #herb #herblore #gentian
Adrianne @ Hens and Grit on Instagram: "I’ve planted a bunch of Elder seeds. I usually plant them in 50 flats and leave them in a neglected corner of the greenhouse. They must sit on soil over winter and require the isolating temperatures to germinate, but most of them do germinate in these conditions. This year I’m going to take cuttings off my more established elder trees and see how I do at propagating new elders growth from spring cuttings. We will see how it goes! - How do you use Elder F