
People of the mound. People of the goddess Danu. Immortal race of Avalon. A distinct race separate from humans.They can live with humans and have powers far beyond humans; move quickly, shape shifters, fly Celtic Tuathe De Danann who retreated after they were defeated by the Milesians.
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Faerie Queen Medb (Maeve) of Sidhe helps in breaking patterns or cycles which you may or may not even be aware of. These cycles may create obstacles in your life. Set yourself free of the negative cycles and start some new positive cycles. Maeve also supports you in setting up now patterns to replace the old ones, which will assist you in taking the steps you want and need to take.
Irish Fairies | Merrows
The Irish merrow differs physically from humans in that her feet are flatter than those of a mortal and her hands have a thin webbing between the fingers. It should not be assumed that merrows are kindly and well-disposed towards mortals. As members of the sidhe, or Irish fairy world, the inhabitants of Tir fo Thoinn (the Land beneath the Waves) have a natural antipathy towards humans. In some parts of Ireland, they are regarded as messengers of doom and death.
Danu, Anu, or Dana, is the ancient Mother Goddess of Ireland. The Welsh Don is her equivalent. She is the Goddess worshipped by the sidhe race the Tuatha de Dannan. Some believe that the Moon Goddess Diana, the Faery Queen of Witcheries, derived from the Great Danu.
Danu is the Mother goddess in Irish religion of the Tuatha Dé Danann pantheon. As the mother of the gods, Danu has strong parallels with the Welsh literary figure (or goddess) Dôn, who is the mother figure of the medieval tales in the Mabinogion. Danu was considered as the mythic mother goddess of the Tuatha Dé Danann, the Celtic tribes that first invaded Ireland. It is also thought that she may also be a goddess of war.
Danu, Anu, or Dana, is the ancient Mother Goddess of Ireland. The Welsh Don is her equivalent. She is the Goddess worshipped by the sidhe race the Tuatha de Dannan. Some believe that the Moon Goddess Diana, the Faery Queen of Witcheries, derived from the Great Danu.