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We need to be grateful, no matter how bad our day was, we have had the good fortune to live another day. We should never forget that someone, somewhere else, i
Image may contain: text that says 'You cannot change everyone around you, but you can change the environment you choose to be around. Life is too short to waste your time on people who do not respect, appreciate, and value you. Spend your life with people who make you smile, laugh, and feel loved.'
She wears her scars like a warrior, for they're a reminder she's alive. Without her scars, she wouldn't have healed. Without her scars, she wouldn't have the reminder of how precious life is.
25 Best encouraging quotes
Sometimes life is stuck in such situations and mind is not getting anything to understand. Every person wants to do always good and wants to be best of all, but life is not run like what we expect. BEST ENCOURAGING QUOTES When mind feeds some motivation that tine one encourage quotes gives you a dose
The Green Ambassador | Cathy Allen
Sensory & Hands-on Gardening Work shop & Environmental education for Seniors, Youth & Corporate in MARYLAND & SURROUNDING AREAS.
Friday Things
My cucumbers are doing great! They're a great healthy snack to have on a hot summer day!
Laura Starts on Twitter
Laura Starts on Twitter: "#lunagaialivinglife, #lunagaiaorg, #startslaura, #laurastarts, #excuses, #holdingmeback… "
You are stronger than you know, more capable than you ever dreamed, and you are loved more than you could possibly imagine.
You are stronger than you know, more capable than you ever dreamed, and you are loved more than you could possibly imagine.