
97 Pins
How to alleviate stress and anxiety with art journaling
How to alleviate stress and anxiety with art journaling
Bringing Meaning to your Journal Pages
Are you looking for ways to bring more meaning to your journal pages? If so, this blog post will give you lots of ideas and inspiration.
10 MINDSET SHIFT journal prompts
10 journal prompts to change your mindset for the better. #mindset #mindsetshift #mindsettips #journal #journalprompts #journalquestions #stressjournal #anxiety #stress #anxietyrelief #stressrelief #stressmanagement #growth #growthmindset #lettinggo #newera #success #personaldevelopment #healthylife #healthyhabits #peace #mentalhealth #mentalrest #gratitude
How to Make Book Cloth
How to Make Book Cloth - a step by step tutorial with video instructions and tips for beginners on making book cloth for your handmade journals #journals #junkjournal #bookcloth #bookbinding #howto #DIY #crafts
DIY Mixed Media Background Papers From Your Stash
I recently took on a super fun project where I made a bunch of cool art papers, and I filmed the whole thing to share with you. It was a blast, and I'm here to tell you all about it, hoping to get you excited to try something similar.