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The Timeless Celtic Goddess
Discover the mystical journey of Brigid, the Celtic Goddess of Fire, Healing, and Poetry. From ancient myths to modern reverence, explore her enduring legacy.
Goddess Brigid
Goddess Brigid @CozyDead #brigid #brigit #goddessBrigid #goddessBrigit #déesseBrigid #déesseBrigit #celticgoddess #déesseceltique #imbolc #february1st #1erfévrier #sabbat #esbat #wheeloftheyear #rouedel’année #ritual #rituel #ceremonie #cérémonie #celtic #celtique#celticwitchcraft #magieceltique #magic #magick #magie #witch #sorciere #modernwitch #sorcièremoderne #witchcraft #witchyvibes #pagan #pagancomuunity#witchling #beginnerwitch #babywitch #sorcieredébutante #greenwitch #witchwitch #bookofshadows #bookofspells #grimoire #livredesombres #livresdesorts
Brigid (sticker)
Brigid is the goddess of healers, poets, and smiths. She asks us how we are healing (and how we help heal others), how we are expressing ourselves creatively, and what we are making.
Self-Care Spread
This is a 5 card Self-Care spread that focuses on your mind, body and spirit. It allows direct insight into the following: 1) What you need to hear 2) What you need to do now 3) The problem 4) What needs to be done later 5) What you should avoid. These readings will be done using different tarot and/or oracle cards to gain an insight from cosmic and higher spiritual energy. I will provide an image of the spread, as well as an in-depth document that I will send to you once completed that will