Magnolias for a Stunning Garden

Magnolias are trees or shrubs with astonishing goblet or star-shaped flowers that are admired by everyone in spring and summer. Their showy, fragrant flowers can be white, pink, red, purple or yellow. Evergreen magnolias are particularly good for training against a wall.
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Magnolia soulangeana Lennei - Harrod Horticultural
Magnolia soulangeana 'Lennei' is probably the most commonly grown deciduous magnolia. It is a stunning small tree that typically grows to 20 high with a rounded crown. Fragrant goblet shaped purple-pink flowers bloom in early spring before the foliage emerges.
Magnolia stellata Royal Star - Harrod Horticultural
MAGNOLIA stellata 'Royal Star' is a striking deciduous double flowered cultivar of Magnolia stelata, the fragrant flowers are pure white, star shaped - 12cm (5in) across and appear February to April before the leaves.
Magnolia Elizabeth - Harrod Horticultural
Magnolia Elizabeth is a deciduous tree with obovate leaves to 20cm (8in) long, bronze when young, maturing to dark-green and primrose yellow flowers, whiter inside then fading to cream before the leaves emerge.
Magnolia loebneri Leonard Messel - Harrod Horticultural
MAGNOLIA loebneri 'Leonard Messel' is a vigorous medium-sized deciduous shrub or small tree, with narrowly ovate leaves 10-15cm (4-6in) long. The scented flowers are purple-pink, paler on the inside are up to 10cm wide.
Magnolia sprengeri Diva - Harrod Horticultural
Magnolia sprengeri Diva is a stunning tree with beautiful cup-shaped, 12-15 tepaled rose pink blooms, the seed pods are bright red and very showy, with 'Diva' being the italian for 'goddess' it certainly lives up to its name.
Magnolia Susan - Harrod Horticultural
Magnolia Susan has deep purple-red buds that open in spring to reveal fragrant goblet-shaped flowers with gently twisted petals. The blooms measure up to 15cm (6) across with purple petals, deeper in colour on the outside and paler colour on the inside.
Magnolia liliflora Nigra - Harrod Horticultural
Magnolia liliflora Nigra is a stunning, deciduous magnolia with a compact habit and dark purple-red flowers which appear from an earlier age than most magnolias and is a lovely shrub for a sunny or partially shaded spot out of strong winds.
Magnolia Wadas Memory - Harrod Horticultural
Magnolia Wada's Memory has lovely and quite large flowers, 15-20 cm wide when fully opened and snow white colour. The petals are elongated and look like star-shaped magnolias but much bigger.
Magnolia grandiflora Ferruginea - Harrod Horticultural
Magnolia grandiflora 'Ferruginea' has a more spherical aspect than most cultivars, with glossy dark green leaves up to 8 in. long with large fragrant, goblet-shaped flowers up to 9 in. across with creamy white petals.
Magnolia Dawsoniana - Harrod Horticultural
Magnolia Dawsoniana is a broadly oval-headed deciduous tree or large shrub with horizontal to pendent scented flowers to 12cm (5in) across which are produced before the leaves.