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Crusader map of Jerusalem 1200 CE. Europeans have always been one of history's most effective invading & colonizing cultures.
Forgotten Antiquities
Austrian great helm, 1300. The great helm or heaume, also called pot helm, bucket helm and barrel helm, is a helmet of the High Middle Ages arose in the late 12th century in the context of the crusades and remained in use until the 14th century. They were used by knights and heavy infantry in most European armies between about 1220 to 1540.
Siege of Jerusalem (1099) - Wikipedia
Siege of Jerusalem (1099) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Essential and despised: Images of women in the First and Second Crusades, 1095-1148 -
The Medieval period was the time of the Crusades. The Crusades began in 1095, with the aim of taking back Jerusalem and the Holy Land from Muslim rule. In the end they failed, and they ended in 1291 when the last of the Christian fortresses fell to Muslim forces
Siege of Ma'arra - Wikipedia
December 12, 1098: Siege of Ma'arrat. During the First Crusade, Christian forces beached the town's walls and massacred 20,000 of the towns inhabitants. Short of supplies and starving, the Crusaders, according to one 11th century historian, "did not shrink from eating not only killed Turks or Saracens, but even dogs..." (Is it me, or does he seemed more appalled about the dogs?)
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Clothing of Teutonic knights on display in the Castle of the Teutonic Order in Malbork, Poland
Famous medieval swords
The sword of Godfrey of Bouillon on display in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. Godfrey was a medieval Frankish knight who was one of the leaders of the First Crusade from 1096 until his death. Godfrey became the first ruler of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, although he refused the title "King"; he believed that the true King of Jerusalem is Christ. The size of this sword is awesome. Try to think of fighting for a full day by wielding this weapon with one hand.