Native American Spirit

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Temple of Balance - For TOO LONG you have allowed the past to affect you! For TOO LONG you have taken personally what others say about you! For TOO LONG you have stood on the sidelines watching others thrive! For TOO MANY NIGHTS you have gone to bed worrying about what may be. For TOO LONG you have held a fear in your heart. For TOO LONG you have settled for second best!! NOW is the time to awaken! NOW is the time to shine! NOW is the time to ACCEPT that you are DIVINE!! This is my message for you - allow it to touch the deepest parts of your being - to help you awaken to the truth - that you do deserve to live a GREAT life - and whatever that means for you! Excerpt from book: THE WARRIOR: Trailblazer of Truth - Ascension Mastery Series - available now at: Temple of Balance ~ Lee-Anne Peters ~ Temple of Balance ====== Image: Dreamweaver Mystic Magic via google | Facebook
(5) Peggy Lynd - For TOO LONG you have allowed the past to affect you!...
K'anchaq sonqo - Heart of light
May we enjoy the walk, dream into being the world we want to live in. K'anchaq sonqo Heart of light
Corn Woman is the Native American Goddess of Nourishment; She is the personification of maize and the fertility of the Earth.
The Elders say Native American women will lead the healing among the tribes. We need to pray for our women and ask the Creator to bless them and give them strength. Inside them are the powers of love and strength given by the Moon and the Earth. When everyone else gives up, it is the women who sing the songs of strength. She is the backbone of the people. So, to our women we say, sing your songs of strength; pray for your special powers; keep our people strong; be respectful, gentle, and modest.
Native American. Know where and how the Spirit lives best.
Cherokee Prayer Blessing~ May the warm winds of heaven blow softly upon your house. May the Great Spirit bless all who enter there. May your moccasins make happy tracks in many snows, and may the rainbow always touch your shoulder.
May the Great Spirit Bless all who enter here. May your Mocassins Make happy tracks in many snows, and may the Rainbow Always touch your shoulder.
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