Emma Lous

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Best 7up Biscuits!!! MAKE THESE TONIGHT!! Recipe ——> https://mylitter.com/7up-biscuit-recipe-try-these-tonight-3/ | By Emma Lous BoutiqueFacebook
RECIPE on the Emma Lous App I am finally giving you guys my SECRET Cherry Cobbler recipe... Because I love you. | I am finally giving you guys my SECRET Cherry Cobbler recipe... Because I love you. Apple: https://apple.co/3weKDYE Android: https://bit.ly/3vb2Pki | By Emma Lous Boutique | Hey guys. how's it going so welcome today This is Memorial Day weekend today is Sunday and I'm going to show you guys how I make my infamous famous. I don't know my secret Cherry Cobbler RECIPE. This is a family favorite of ours. How is everyone make sure you tell me hi now if you are on Facebook and you're watching this for the very first time, we're actually a clothing boutique but about three or 4 days a week during the summer, especially I love to share our family friendly recipes with you guys and just to add to that really quickly. I am not a professional chef. I am just a mom of seven kids and I'd love to cook and I love to feed my family stuff. That's easy to make that's super good and I love to share all those recipes with you. So again, you're not eating my food so if there's something that is bothers you or is offensive to you. It's okay. Just scroll on by you. don't have to eat here so you guys. this is the thing I gotta tell you a little backstory of this and I know you you know people lose their mind when I talk a little bit but this recipe. He Is is a secret family favorite. I have to tell you that it's a secret family favorite recipe. that I don't normally give out so I'm I I've debated you guys know I've been doing recipes for years and I've literally never shared this recipe with you guys, but it is a winner every time every time everybody ask me for the recipe. I rarely give it out. It is so simple. It's so easy. and you're going to freak out when you find out how simple it is so. That's one of those things now my shirt if you guys are familiar, you guys know it's number 101 and it says always bring chips. just in queso. So if you want my shirt, it is number 101 and then I did feel like we have to talk about the American flag. Judy Blues today So aside from that, we're just going to go ahead and we're going to jump into this recipe so I do have one that is made that I want to show you really quickly now. it is a Cobbler so traditionally with this Cobbler you're going to put it you're going to put it in. Eight by by eight nine by nine right and if you're going to do it nine by thirteen go ahead and double it okay so double the recipe if you're going to do a nine by thirteen otherwise an eight by eight. Now, I only have one eight by eight pan and I had to make two of these because I have to have one to show you and then one that I'm doing right now. So I'm going to show you I actually put mine in a pie pan and it was a little too much for a pie pan, but that's okay. It's going to taste amazing. Also if you are brand new to us and you are on Facebook, make sure you say hi, especially on Facebook. we want to get all fifty states on Facebook and. Are on Facebook. Download our app Our app is Emma Lou's Boutique Download our app and all of our recipes are on our app. This one is actually already on there. I just put it on there also make sure you give us a like and make sure you follow my page so that you get notifications when I go live. Okay and if you guys are new to us too, make sure that you go like my page and follow my page that way you'll always get those notifications when I go live with recipes. So let me show you my finished product and then we're going to come back So, for example, this should be. In a typical, oh my gosh, Nebraska Tennessee. we're getting everybody on here a typical eight by eight nine by nine Cobbler kind of pan here, but I only had one of these. I want to save it for you. So I'm going to show you. I just put this in a pie Pan and I'll show you how good it turned out now. I'm going to have my taste tester here in a few minutes so my taste tester is going to be tasting this for me in a second but let me show you. guys. can you. With this is this not like the most beautiful thing ever representing from Colorado. hello Illinois and New Hampshire you guys. oh gosh. This is what I'm going to show you how to make okay. I'm going to show you how to make this it is insane Y'all now Paul. Are you willing and able to be a taste tester in a few minutes for me and I'll find you you'll manage. Are you sure you're going to be okay with this you'll manage you know you're you're you're going to you're going to. It's my second favorite dessert in the world. you're going to tough it out. Huh. You're going going to tough it out. Okay. So that's what I'm going to show you guys how to make. I did mine in a pie plate, but you guys are going to going to be able to do it in Cobbler Pan. Okay, let's get talking about what we need. We need two kinds of cherries. Okay. so if you don't like. Give it a try, I'm telling you you might like them this time. I'm just using my same dishes. Yeah come on over bring some ice cream only if it's bluebell, Bluebell is number one. okay so two kinds of cherries you're going to need two cans two cans just like this cherry pie filling any kind regular pie filling on that. So just like this, yeah ice cream, I mean cool. whip bless you baby so two cans cherry pie filling one can of heated cherries sweet cherries, dark pitted sweet cherries. Whatever your store does have this, I promise I used to think mine didn't and I was always like. Can't find them I can't they do have them so these are the dark sweet pitted cherries. They can just be any kind of pitted Cherry now you're going to drain this so I'm actually going to dump this in first so they can start draining here really quickly. I'm just going to dump the juice off Okay and I've got a kid would drink that juice they'd love that okay. So we're going to dump that I'm going to show you one more time on this one. What's your favorite dessert ever baby? Is it better? Yeah? It's better than Megan Fox cake. So that's what that looks like okay. now we are going to dump two cans. Of regular cherry pie filling in here. and then Paul would you get us two tablespoons of flour? That's right here in the little. If you do you want to be a sous chef today, you don't have to be there you go okay two cans cherry pie filling going in here any kind of cherry pie filling hello in Oklahoma. How are you? what do you need to what two tablespoons of flour all-purpose flour on this there? you go, I have never used fresh just because I don't have a cherry pitter and it's hard to get fresh, but you can try it. Let me know how it goes for sure. Oh. So two cans cherry pie filling just like this two cans, cherry pie filling just like that. Alright, now we're going to add two tablespoons of flour to this. so I've got two tablespoons of flour. there you go and this recipe is on our app. so if you're just joining us, go to Emma Lou's boutique, you put us on the app. Download the app and you're going to get this recipe in there. Okay. So make sure that you guys do that. Alright. now we want to add and Paul's going to help me with this next one. Oh you don't have to. You trying to eat your breakfast, He's trying to do breakfast. We're good. No. I'm not. Oh okay. we'll be okay. Okay. So now we need those drained dark cherries that are in there. So if you want to grab those and pour this in here so we have two cans cherry pie filling now we're going to add in the drained dark cherry there We go dump those in there, we drain those there they are oh dark cherries. These are amazing. My gosh, if you guys dark cherries are like completely ridiculous, I just I mean I ate like three of them. Did you. Now we're going to add in a little bit of almond extract on here so again the recipes on the app. it is Emma Lou's boutique, so we're going to add in a little splash of this one here the actual amounts on there, but I'm eyeballing that one that almond makes it so good, Cherry and almond together is that not the best ever Cherry and almond amazing. Okay on there my little strainer. I think I've got that in a little set actually okay. So now we have the two cans of cherries. We have the two different kinds of cherries. We have the flour and we have the almond. We are going to stir this all together. This is our filling. Oh that smells so good, it smells so good doesn't it. Yeah it smells like those those almond cookies for the orange place that yes, I love it. Oh my gosh okay So flipping good. okay. So we're stirring all these together. you put two tablespoons in there right of flour. Yes, yes. Okay. That's what that looks like that is that is our filling on this one right here, so you're going to stir it together a pie filling cherries two tablespoons flour store and the almond extract, and then we are actually going to now put that into our pan right here. so my grease is pan just really lightly. On that one, yes and if you guys missed the banana bread last night, Y'all gotta try the banana bread. It's so good. so I'm going to spray this on there. Okay got that ready to go nine by eight by eight pan on this one and I'm going to dump my cherries shout out to. Tupperware for making the best mixing bowls ever right seriously. Love Tupperware Okay. Pour this in here. I've never met a piece of Tupperware I didn't like or left in my car to get moldy that too. Yes, I always buy them from those ladies. Okay so scoop in all of this in here, this is our filling. Do you want to lick this one. Do you want to lick the spoon you lick the spoon buddy you lick the spoon anything else there you go. Okay. You got the spoon right there. Alright. so. that's what that looks like now. This is the secret part. Okay. So we're we're getting it. We're getting into the secret part of this okay so this is the topping and this is where it gets. This is where it gets real cool. Okay. So here we go. I know I'm a pampered chef consultant. Yes. Of course, I love myself a pampered chef spatula. you are going to. The whitest of the white bread that you can find okay, do not use wheat. You gotta get the whitest of the white if you've got wonder you want wonder bread, I did not have wonder. so so sorry. Oh now I'm going to start coughing here. cough it out there you go. so on this one so guys. Oh sorry get the whitest of the white bread that you possibly can find we're talking white bread like my mom used to call it if you have got wonder use wonder but you're going to get about five or six slices. And we're going to cut off the crust. Okay we are actually making the I know right your Tupperware you're like putting my Tupperware back. Don't leave it in your car. Okay here we go so this is what we're going to do We've got our little white bread right here and we're going to cut off the crust of our white bread so all your little birds and your squirrels in the yard are going to thank you. You can just toss that out to them, but we're going to cut off the crust on the outside or my mini schnauzer who's. Carbo but you can cut off, you're just going to do this cut all those little edges off of that. I used about six pieces, I know it says five in the recipe, but I kind of always end up with a short little bit of a short one now on this one I like to make it. I'm going to cut it in this little slices because I kind of do mine in a little decorative top. I know this is the secret. I'm telling you you guys are wondering what I'm doing right here but I am making the best topping you've ever had on a Cobbler and it's a secret recipe. so hang in here with me, you guys are going to see how ridiculous this is okay. So I've got that and I even kind of kind of make it. To a little lace on the top too. I'm telling you this is so simple. Okay now all we're going to do and I do kind of like make a little pattern just because I'm kind of weird like that. but. There we go. And you're going to cover the top. of your Cobbler with white bread. No, it is not a mistake. I'm absolutely 100% serious. I would not joke around about Cherry Cobbler. This is how you're going to do this. I know it seems completely nuts. That's why this is a total secret. I know of the way I'm so glad girlfriend that you do not have to eat here. It's okay. You're not eating my food. We didn't invite you over, although I still wait even though you're kind of grouchy but you can still come over and eat with us just hang in there. it's. Alright, let's go to the next keep going guys keep going Linda Tucker just play along girlfriend just play along here we go okay. So we're going to poke this one up in there. We're going to get this one in here we're going to fill in the rest of my little spots just like this. Just like that this goes in there keep playing around a little bit like this, let's see what do we got? That one's going to go there. That's why I use six pieces on this one. okay, let's make this a little bit thinner on that one there you go. Okay here we go. I know oh heavens. I'm telling you okay and then let's poke this one right. okay. So that's what that's going to look like super super super professional you actually just covered the top of this. so you guys just like the secret was not all the flat ones. It was just one little bendy one. oh the bendy ones. If you don't have the bendy one, it doesn't it doesn't work the one so limited. You didn't know that okay there you go. I know, okay there you go there. Alright now wait for it because now we're going to do the topping that makes this so ridiculously good. okay next up now We've got the topping coming on, but make sure because all of this is on the app on here. so next we're going to have so you have your boyfriend now I need one and a quarter cup of sugar. here we go there we go so one and a quarter cup of sugar. This is where we're going to add our egg. In the recipe is on the app. there we go okay one egg on this one. so let's add that egg in there and then I've got some melted butter in the microwave. What someone grab that for me anyway? I thank you. Andy Panda. Oh, you're she's working on something and then we're actually going to put I am so excited. like why she is. that's spiral my favorite me too. Oh my gosh and he's doing our favorite activity as a kid. I would show you, but I can't. I don't think I can turn this around. Yeah. she is she's okay. It's alright. Okay. here we go play with fire and then we have. And a half cup of margarine melted right there so one and a half cup of margarine melted like this. okay. So there you go. We're going to pour that in there and again. I'm going to have to find one of the OG scissors there you go. Thank you like this and then she's playing with this isn't that fun. Okay now this part right here you're going to want some of this lemon zest on here so again, wash your lemon off. I might get my sticker. still on here. I don't know what happened with that one and then save your lemon and and grind it down your garbage disposal because it'll make your kitchen smell good. So you're going to need about. I don't know what a teaspoon and a half. That what it says of a lemon zest right here, this is going to go on the top so we have Cherry almond and a little bit of a lemon flavor going on here it is. insane So good okay and. There we go alright here you go. Alright, yes, the recipe is already on the app already on the app. absolutely put it on there just a little bit ago. Make sure it was on there for you guys always scrape off a little bit in the back right there. so we did we got that lemon zest. We put the rest of that in there smells so good. Oh my gosh it smells so good in here. Yes. Okay. So I can help me if you didn't know yes talk loud. I can't hear myself so okay. I can eat lemons and limes straight up and it doesn't it's not so to me. I can just eat lime, lime juice and lemon juice just because you're little bottle like I just eat lemons straight. That's because you're a crazy kid. Okay. So I'm here now on the top you guys. we have got. I know my shirt's actually number 101 if you want my shirt, okay, so we have sugar We have got lemon. We've got the egg What am I missing sugar lemon egg. Yeah sugar egg butter lemon We got it. We got it. We got it. sugar. egg butter lemon okay and all we're going to do is just stir this together Just like this. How easy is that here we go stir this one all together. This is your topping this is what is going to make the top crispy and so good. Andy Will you grab the grab the ice cream out of the fridge for me or the freezer because I'm going to pour that on there, okay now on here I covered the top of this without white bread. Remember get the whitest of white bread that you possibly can and then on this one there you go on your phone. Get the app on your phone. You'll be able to do that now over the top of this. remember our cherries are in there. We put the bread on top. We are going to put this on the top. It makes this so crispy so good. Really going to be the hero of your party? you've gotta make this tonight or tomorrow, and it's just that cherry pie is just so it looks cherry pie Cherry cobbler so iconic okay. So this is going to go all over the top. The Texas State College and the Texas State Peach Cobbler, Texas State dessert is peach and he just told me that's okay. We're booking a little tradition here but we're going to do it. Okay. So spread this out you want to cover all of that bread with this topping and then you're going to put this in your oven at 350 for about thirty-five to 45 minutes on here. So let's put this over the top there. We go just like this and then we're going to bake it now because my. pie was not. As deep as this, I went ahead and put this on a covered. a cookie sheet with covered just in case it spilled over a little now. This is not going to spill over. I've got a lot of room here in the top and it looks just like that. I really should Katie right. It's an eight by eight. It's a regular eight by eight pan on this one I use fresh squishy bread for sure and I definitely definitely use wonder if I can get wonder. So now I'm going to put this into the oven. It's going to take about 45 minutes now. I pulled this one out a few minutes ago, so I had a couple of seconds to set up and look at what this looks like is that amazing. you guys. this is completely. completely ridiculous. I know as Texans will eat anything even if it's not actually our state one so it did kind of it did go over a little bit, but that's okay. Oh my gosh. Are you sure you can handle this baby. You don't taste like I could be on the outside so here's. right here hold on. I'll make this such a mess. Hold on let me get let me let me the smell is so good. Let me actually like place it up professionally for you. Oh, oh okay. Well I want to want to get you like really parts. so I'm going to go this side here. you hold that for a second I'm going to. I'm going to get you this side. Oh my gosh Paul. Oh Andy. Thank you. okay. I should have let it cool just a little bit. Oh no. I think that I think I think fresh bread is good. I don't think it really matters but oh Lord Paul. That's the almond smell too. Let it sit a little and cool down now I was pretty excited to get this in here. so I'm I'm doing this a little bit early on there. Andy did you get it for? Oh Andy. Yes girl. Oh my gosh. there you go you're watching from the Philippines that is amazing. Okay Look. is that Princess princess. That's our princess, but we'll see, okay guys. Do you want a spoon or a fork? I don't even II have ice cream. It's still working there. you go. 0000 Geez and now it's like melting. Oh my god. Are you about to do this? I I'm going to. Steal it 100% you guys. this is I should've given you a bowl holy smoke. I'll hold it. You eat there you go actually. I'm going to get another Spoon II was going to start with the outside. I'm going to freak everybody out online there we go. Oh geez. No way. What Y'all have the little the little tiny bite or the zing of that? lemon? yes, the sweetness of the cherries. This is completely ridiculous, the flavor of the almond. It's just. This is nuts. Okay, he told me I watched a lot of Darren's guys. I can tell oh every flavor that's in here. from Belgrade. What? Alright y'all You gotta promise me you're going to try this. It's my secret recipe for. I'm eating Cobbler. I'm eating ice cream. Wow. Paul's, like walking away with it, Oh my gosh, and then this soap that even came on here. This is almost like a cookie. I'll be back. Oh my god. It's so good. Yeah, you want that. Look, it's like a cookie Andy. try it. Holy Moly Okay. One more time. oh, you're okay and he's just scooping out ice cream. Yes, penny probably tonight. so one more time that's what that looks like guys. it's insane. You gotta try this one recipe is on the app recipes on the app. so definitely definitely give it a try. You guys are going to love that one. and it is it's just so. easy. It's so easy. and I mean it's just you don't get any easier than this. I put all of this. Plus the easy banana bread recipe from yesterday on the app, the app is Emma Lou's Boutique and for iphone or Android, Give my page A like my Facebook page, a like give it a follow so that you guys know when we go live, Okay with recipes and stuff. so like the page. Follow the page that'll tell you when we go live with the recipes and things and then the app is Emma Lou's Boutique for iphone or for Android. So all you do is go to your app store and you type in Emma Lou's Boutique and it'll come up. It's a little blue logo. On that, I'm only going to eat a little bit. Alright, I would eat this whole thing. I gotta stop so, but it's so good. You guys gotta give this one a try. I promise it's going to become a family favorite. and. you guys let me know post in the post in the the group. I'm trying to type that out the same time post in the group and let me know how it goes. Okay. Let me know how.
It’s 82° in Texas. It’s practically fall lol let’s make lasagna soup! All of our recipes are on our free Emma Lou’s Boutique app that you can find in... | By Emma Lous BoutiqueFacebook
Tik Toc pasta! Super easy! Get this recipe on our Emma Lous Boutique app! Make sure to download our app! 📲iOS ——> ‪https://rb.gy/mofla5‬ 📲Android —->... | By Emma Lous BoutiqueFacebook
1M views · 13K reactions | This is absolutely one of the best dinner recipes for any size family! We make this probably weekly. I don’t have a written down recipe since it’s simply... | By Emma Lous Boutique | You guys know I have a ridiculous amount of kids. Let's make one of the best casseroles in the entire world. It's like a lasagna casserole and every single person loves this one. Brown yes some hamburger. We're going to cut up some onion. Put it in there just like you're going to make spaghetti sauce. So basically start making your favorite spaghetti sauce. Brown the onions and some garlic with the hamburger in there. And I usually do a nine by 13 but you could split this up. Season that up really good. And next we're going to actually boil our pasta and kind of cook it. Now you don't want it too soggy but We're going to cook up a little bit of that. Drain off the grease from the hamburger. You're going to add your favorite sauce to that. So basically we just made spaghetti. Next we're going to cook up some noodles in here. You can really use any kind that you want. And then we're actually going to make an Alfredo sauce. So it's a little bit of butter. We're going to add a little garlic. Then we're going to add some heavy whipping cream to this just like you're making Alfredo. And when that gets all cooked up. Season that up and then we're going to put our cheese in here. So now we have this beautiful cheesy Alfredo sauce that is absolutely delicious. And here's where it comes all Together. Now you can make this ahead of time. Put it in the freezer or bring it to someone's house. They're going to love you for it. So once you have the Alfredo made, now we're going to assemble this. So in a nine by thirteen after you drain your pasta, you're going to start by putting your pasta on the bottom. Then you're going to layer this up with the Alfredo sauce next. Scrape all that out of there. Get all that on there and then you're going to top that with your spaghetti sauce. So we basically just made this whole bake. Put the spaghetti sauce on the top and we're going to cover the top. Oh I just sit there and eat it actually the whole time. Put your spaghetti Sauce on the top and then we're going to cover that with cheese and we're going to bake this. I take this dish everywhere. If I have company over I make this dish. Everybody loves it. My kids will eat all of it. The adults get double and they ask for more. It's a great dish to take somewhere. We make this camping. I mean it's just fantastic. So give it a shot. You're absolutely going to love this. It's going to become a staple. I put parmesan on the top right there. Bake it for about 45 minutes. Uh in a 350 degree oven. Husband actually tried to help me get that out of there. Um and it's just guys I'm telling you it's going to change your life. It's so delicious. Cut you a big old chunk on the corner there so you get the crispy cheese and it is delicious.
This is super simple to make, have the kids help you. We should come up with a different name! | By Emma Lous Boutique | Let's make dirty diapers for 22 people at the river. You're getting some sausage, some cream cheese, and some croissant rolls. Yes, I did call these dirty diapers and I have no idea why they're called that. It's just something my kids have called them forever. So, I don't know what the actual name of these are. You're going to take your sausage and you're going to brown that in a sauce or a pan. Anyway, so I'm actually making this for so many people that I'm probably tripling the recipe but I usually take one roll of sausage and one brick of cream cheese. When the sausage is all cooked, open it up and put it on top the cream cheese. The heat of the sausage is going to cause that to kind of melt with the cream cheese and you're actually just going to mix this all together. Now, this is not the most appetizing thing you've ever seen in your entire life but I promise you, it is so good that you are going to want to make this over and over again. It's actually our kid's favorite thing to make. So, my son took over from here. Take the croissant rolls. You're going to roll these all out, lay them all out, break them apart just like this and then, he actually kind of took a cup to smooth them out a little bit more or roll them out just to make them a little bit big but this is a job that every single kid can do and in fact, get them involved. They're going to love to make these. So, he rolled it out. Then, you're going to put just a little spoonful or scoop in each one of the croissant rolls and then, you're going to take them and wrap them up and fold them up like a croissant or like a diaper. That's how it got its name. So, it's going to look just like a like wrapping it up like a diaper. So, when you get these all out, we make them all, put them on a cookie sheet and then, we're going to bake these in our oven for about 350 until the top is nice and golden brown but I'm telling you again, this is a job for all the kids. So, pop these bad boys in the oven. I don't know, 20 minutes, maybe. When they come out, they're nice and brown. They're so delicious. They will go through trays of these. My kids like hot sauce as well.
Easiest weekend breakfast! Kid approved!! Been making this one for 30 years! Recipe on the Emma Lous app! | By Emma Lous BoutiqueFacebook
The best Macaroni and Cheese you have ever had!!! Recipe on the Emma Lou’s App! | By Emma Lous BoutiqueFacebook
Bralettes. Stretchy Tanks! All sizes and ready to ship! Live from Dallas XOXO Tiffany | Bralettes. Stretchy Tanks! All sizes and ready to ship! Live from Dallas XOXO Tiffany | By Emma Lous Boutique | Alright, you guys. We are back again. Hello, hello. Oh my goodness. Okay, like I told you, we're going to have a ton of shows that I'm going to be able to do for you today. I hope. Um I'm here still in Dallas and I've got some good stuff for you guys. So, if you guys are just coming on, make sure you tell me hi. Also, really quick, let me tell you what's going on. My name is Tiffany. This is Emma Lou's Boutique here. We are on location in Dallas, Texas. A little bit about our shipping. Shipping is $7 dollars and ninety-five cents and then you get free shipping 12 hours. So, you're going to get free shipping for 12 hours after that and let's see, free shipping at $100. Let's see what else can I tell you. I'm trying to think of all the things on there that I can let you guys know. Hello. Hello. How is everybody doing? Um so excited to have you guys here. I'm going to show you some bralettes today. I'm going to try these on for you guys. Um I'm going to let you know these are so good. I mean, everyone sleeps in them from sleeping in em to wearing em out, to wearing them underneath something as a little pop of color. So comfortable and it's just one of our favorite things around here. So, all of these are in stock and ready to ship to you guys. Hello. Hello. Hello. Make sure you guys tell me hi on there and we're making sure everything is connecting quickly or together on here like I told you guys. Lot of updates on our app and things here in the next couple days. Um and so we're kind of just making sure everything is working like it is supposed to be working. Um on there. Hello. Hello. Okay. So, I have lots of different styles. Yes, you can sleep in them. You can out. You can do whatever. But they're just one of our most favorite things in the entire world. Also, remember, if you guys have any questions, these ladies on here are going to help you out. Howdy, howdy. Um they will fit up to a very very large chest size, okay? So, you don't have to just take my word for it. Ask these ladies on here. They're going to help you and tell you that large extra large does fit up to a size like double H. So on and so forth on there. They're very very comfortable. They're very very stretchy. They're easy to wear. They're washable Um they've got that built-in pads on them. The pads are removable on the inside of course and they're just absolutely the most comfortable thing ever on the entire planet. So, I'm going to go through here. I'm going to show you all the colors. I'm going to show you what we have in there and then if anyone has needs any help with sizing, just let us know. A lot of these ladies on here are going to help you. Wait for them. Let them let them help you. Um they'll tell you what size they wear and stuff but they're very, very, very comfortable. They're cozy. You can wear them underneath stuff over stuff. Um they're just of our favorite things in the entire world and they are in stock and ready to ship on here. Okay, can you guys hear me and see me? Okay, I'm just making sure because we are having some new stuff happen with our app and I want to make sure that everything is connected correctly. Um let's do this. Um Uh hey, just asking you what state you are. I just need to make sure everybody is able to comment and that we are like everything is ready to go. Um hey, y'all type out what day of the week it is really quick. Type out what day of the week it is. You can? Okay, I'm just making sure. I'm making sure. Okay. Okay, because it's really difficult for us to tell we're missing a lot of things in the back end that we normally are able to see. So, all the stuff I can normally see, a lot of it is not exactly the same for me. Okay, perfect. Just making sure. Making sure. Alright, let's go. Zeni, it is definitely today. Perfection. Okay. Perfection. Good. Okay. So, everything looks the same for you guys. It's just me. Perfect. Okay, thank you so much. I appreciate that. It helps me really, yes, that helps me out. You got the link at two and a half minutes. Okay, that helps me a ton. Thank you guys so much. Thank you. Alright, here we go. Here we go. June 14th. Yes, happy anniversary, girl. Okay. So, my first one up here on this one. There we go. Number 0101. Number 101 on these. This is one of our favorites. This one is a little bit of a luxe version for us on here. It is the mineral wash. This is one of the newer fits on here with the removable pads on this one. I am wearing sand beige just making sure. Small, medium, large, extra large on the same beige. This is one that I would definitely sleep in on here. It is extremely comfortable. They fit perfectly. Um they're very, very, very, very nicely done. This is a little bit of our luxe version of these. Um this is number one zero 1. I am wearing Sam Beige. Small, medium, large, extra large, and then I'm going to show you all the different. Absolutely, in fact, Stacy, most people do. I'm just changing on here. Um, in front of everybody. Um, well, hopefully not in front of everybody but I'm in a window with everything. So, wear em with the bra without a bra. It's 100% up to you. I'm going to show you all three colors here. First, together that are very similar. Real similar on here. This one is the bone color and then this one is ash mocha. So, let's let's do it this way. I am wearing sand beige. This is ash mocha and this is bone. So, bone is going to have a little bit more gray in there. The ash mocha is kind of your really good neutral and then, this one right here is just a little bit darker. So, ash mocha, small, medium, large, extra large. This is the bone color. I'm sorry, sand beige, small, medium, large, extra large, and this one is that bone color. The bone's going to have just a little bit more gray in it. Can you see the difference in the colors right there? So, we have got bone, sand mocha, ash mocha, You know what I'm saying. Let's try that again. This one is bone, sand, beige, ash, mocha. Do we get it right that time? Okay. So, this is bone, sand, beige, ash mocha, pads are removable. You can wear it with the bra without a bra. Whatever you want to do on there and then, of course, you guys, we have got our black on here, ash black, small, medium, and large, extra large on the ash black and then, we have got that gorgeous bright mauve, small, medium, and large, extra large on that. Thank you, guys Sorry about that. I didn't even didn't even mean to you about that. Um they're not Natasha. Please ask the ladies on here. They're going to let you know and that large extra large will fit up to a three XL but ask the ladies on here. They can definitely help you with the fit and let you know on there but some of these girls I'm telling you they do fit everybody. They're extremely stretchy. They're also very very comfortable. That is sold number 0101. Number one zero1. Here is the black. That one is the ash the bright mauve and then I have got on the sand beige on this one. Then, guys, I've got a bunch of different styles to show you. So, hang in there with me. I'm going to keep going and showing you all the different ones that I can. So, give me just a second here. Throw this one back up on there and then, let's get a different style on here so we can show these to you. Okay, I love the pink. So, we're going to go with pink on this one. Next one that I have to show you, built-in bra on here and again, you can wear a bra or not wear a bra. It's going to be 1 hundred percent up to you. But they are so soft. So soft. So soft. Brandy said that you are 38 F at least and she yeah and she gets the large extra large. So 38 F gets the large extra large on there. Andrea says she's fluffy. They fit great. Um on that I love it. Um on there. They're they're super comfortable. Okay. This is another really nice one. The mineral washes are some of my favorite. This one has got a little bit of a razor back in the back. So are back on this one in the back. Comfortable. Stretchy. So darn cute. You can wear these underneath something. Wear them by themselves. Sleep in them. Wear a bra. Don't wear a bra. You've got so many options. That's what we love about them. So many ways to do it. Mary Ellen says she's a forty-four, a double D, and they fit great. Perfect. Kim said, she's a forty4 C in the large extra large works for her. Uh Leslie is a thirty-8 triple D and they fit you. Yes, girl. Um on that. Okay. So, number one is zero two number one zero 2 on this one. Right here, we have got the light plum. I love the colors in this one. So, I am wearing a light plum. You can sleep in this one. They're so comfortable. Wear em out. Wear em under anything. Wear em with a pop of color for whatever you want. Um this one has a little bit of a higher coverage here in the middle but that's number one zero two. This one is light plum. Small, medium, large, extra large. This one right here is our Kelly green on there. Small, medium, large, extra large on our Kelly U Kelly green with the razorback on that one. Vicky, get the extra large. Get the large extra large on there and then this one, that is the ice blue. This one is ice blue and then, of course, we do have black and that. So, that is sold number one is zero two. Number one zero2. Black, small, medium, large, extra large. Uh one more time, this is ice blue, small, medium, large, extra large, and then this one is Kelly green. small, medium, O large, extra large, and then I have got on the plum. As you can see, on the inside, they have the little built-in bra the inside on this one. If I can flip her around. And you can remove the pads on here. So removable pads on this one. I love the way this one fits. And you can see you've got an extra little layer in here. You can take those pads out. They do have the boob separation on that one. Um and they're really really really nicely done. So boob separation, removable pads, extra on the and the cool part on the inside on there. So they really come a long way. They're absolutely fantastic. This one is the Kelly green. I'm wearing light plum one more time. This is ice blue and then we have the black. We've got the black on there. Okay, one more set of colors on here just to show you really quick. Same exact shape on this one. Same shape on here. Let me type this. I know the racerbacks are your favorite. I really do love the racerbacks as well. Um they, I don't know. They just, they look cute and they look really cute if you wear them underneath a top, any kind of top actually on here. Here we go. Oop. There we go. Three A dash B. I think this is our girl right here. Let's look and see. So, this one is not going to be. Number one zero 3, number one zero 3. Let me show you another set. There's just three more colors. Similar to the first on here but on this one, you have got the light indigo. This is light indigo. So, light indigo. We have got light teal and ash pink on this on ash pink. I know it is Debbie. It sure is. You worry about straps falling down. That's true. That's true. There is a little bit more support in a racerback. That's Absolutely the truth on that. So this these three colors on here, those are those three colors right there. Obviously, ash pink on this one. You've got that light teal on that one and you've got the light indigo. Built-in bra in the inside. You've got the removable pads on the inside and it is, this one is the racerback. There's three more colors on there. Number one zero 3, ash, pink, light, teal, and light indigo in this one. Um a real real cute on that. So, number one is just a three. So, you can wear it underneath something. This is a bra, they're bralettes, Denise. They're not tank tops. These are bralettes. So, if you're looking for something longer, then, you're probably going to want a tank top but these are bralettes right here. So, you can wear these to sleep in. You can wear them underneath something. Um you can wear them by themselves. You can wear them however you want to wear em with a bra or without a bra. It's 1 00% up to you with what you're comfortable with with how you want to wear those. So, there's three more colors for you. Number one zero 3. Mine is the plum and number one zero two. Alright, we're going to keep going. We got all kinds stuff to show you. I've got all kinds of stuff to show you. Um one more set that I want to show you that's really cute. I'm going to throw this on over what I'm wearing here. Okay, keep going on these guys. Whoop whoop. There we go. I gotta shove this over so I don't flash anybody. Okay. Next one up that I want to show you. So, this little guy on really quickly. This is also just another little kind of kind bralette. Kind of one of these. You wear them under graphic tees. Yes, exactly. You mean really so many different workplaces. You can mow the yard on em. Whatever you want to do. This one right here, this one is going to be number 010 four. Now, this is a really really great layering. It's got this little micro ribbed, cute little square neckline right here. This covers your bra strap really nice and it comes up really nice and high underneath your arm. This is a really good layering piece that has like this stretch. It's really comfortable. This one is and beige. We have off white and heather orange. Um this is number onezero 4. If you need something, if you need to throw on something so you have a little bit of extra coverage, this might be an option for you. So, let me put this one up here for you. I'm just going to show you these other colors. I'm going to kind of go try to go a little bit quickly so I can show you what we got. Now, this one has a little bit of full coverage in the back and that's why we like that. Number one zero4, sand beige, off white, heathered orange on this one. Now, the back of this is probably what I like a lot. It's a very full coverage bath. So, if you guys can see that on there, lots of, I mean, it covers like everything on the back. So, if you're looking for a little bit more full coverage, if you want to wear a blazer, a jean jacket, if another shirt, or whatever, this is a great option too. So, this one is the heathered orange. This one is the off white. I have on the same beige. In a small, they're a great true to size fit. Yes, under a romper. That's one of the reasons we ended up getting these two because we do have a lot of rompers that you want a little bit of more coverage to wear under something. That is Number one zero4. Number one zero4. Alright and then I've got a few tank tops to show you. You guys ready for my tank tops? Let's go on the tank tops. I'm going to throw on a really pretty bright color. So we've got the tank tops. Tank tops don't have a built-in bra on them because they're not a bralette. But if you're looking for a tank top with all of that pretty color that's stretchy. Um and that really good material. This is one that you're going to want. So here we go with some of the tank tops. Tank tops have a little bit longer cover on here. But it's a tank top so it doesn't have in that built-in bra on the inside of it. But it is that same squishy, soft, fantastic fabric that we absolutely in love. Now I forgot also to tell you these are in stock and ready to ship to you guys right away. So this is number 105 on here. I am wearing the light teal in a small medium. Let me show you the other colors that we have on here. We have got Kelly Green, light teal, mauve, and mocha. Kelly green, light teal, mauve, and mocha. And you probably reverse these and probably wear them like this way if you wanted to. But I like it with a scoop right here on that. That's number one zero five. Two-way neckline on this. The vintage wash on that. That one of course is that Kelly green. Small, medium, large, extra large. Same kind of sizing on those. But you're going to get a little bit more length on these but these are tank tops so they don't have the built-in bra. But I can't even tell you how comfortable these are to sleep in. They are absolutely fantastic. So this is the Kelly green small, medium, large, extra large on this one and then I have got on the light teal right here. Small, medium, large, extra large on that. And then we have got, here it is, There's the mocha. Um, on this one. This one is the mocha. Look at how pretty that mocha is. Oh my gosh. And you guys know, I'm still trying to get all the brown I can. It's just hard to get. And then this one is that really pretty mauve on that. There's my tag on there. So, we've got four colors right here in these guys. Um, on that. So, we have got the mauve on this one. I am wearing the light teal on here. There is a mocha right there and then that one is that Kelly green. This is that fantastic stretchy, kind of that nylon fit on this and then this is like the upscale kind of nicer version on here. They have a little bit of a wider strap on this. It is comfy. It comes up really nicely underneath your arms. So, it is going to cover a bra and bra strap under there. You're not going to see anything under here and it is a little bit more coverage through the out too. So, that one is number oh 10 five. Number one zero5. We have got mauve, small, medium, large, extra large. We have got the mocha on here, small, medium, large, extra large, and then we have got the Kelly green of course on that one. Alright. Let's go. We're going to keep going on these guys. I'm going to show you a couple more tank tops for ya. Um and let's throw on a good teal color here. Now, this one is super comfy, stretchy. Again, you can sleep in them. Do whatever you want to do but y'all, take a look at how cute this is. Is it not the cutest? Okay, here we go. On these guys, this one is going to be number one zero six. Number one zero 6. These come small, medium, large, and extra large. They have got stretch to them. They are super cute. It's nice and wide up here at the top. That's number one zero six. These are little buttons on here. Are they working? Yup. It's a little working snap. Sorry. It's a little working snap on there. So, these are working snaps on this one. They're super super cute, easy to wear. They are a little bit longer. Um on here, I am wearing the mauve. Small, medium, large, and extra large. Small, medium, large, and extra large on these. They're great, great soft y'all. They're so soft. Um I would absolutely love to wear this one. Um even just like by itself. It is crazy good. Like absolutely crazy good. So, ash gray, light teal, Nancy, welcome. Welcome. Welcome. Welcome. Um and the ash grey. So this is the ash grey colour. A little bit of a longer fit on there. Super stretchy. The little buttons on this one. This one is our light teal right here. That one is light teal on that. Small, medium, large, and extra large. Small, medium, large, and extra large on this one. True to size fit on these. Crazy, crazy, comfortable, easy, easy to wear. Cute under anything. Cute over anything. Um you'll be able to do a lot of things in that one. So that is number one zero six. Small, medium, large, and extra large. Gra true to size. Also, on the back, you've got the cute little detail on the back. It is super soft with that nylon in there. Did you lose me for a second? There we go. We're back. We are back. Okay. We're back. We're good. We got it. Okay. Next up, here we go. I showed you this one last time. Let's go. Let's go. We gotcha. We gotcha on here. Um on that one. Alright, here we go. Let me scan the next one on this. We're back. We're back. We're back. We're back. We're back. This one I showed you earlier. I showed you earlier. This one has really great length. Ignore my button from my jeans on there. Again, a small, medium, and large, extra large on here. I'm going to scan this one for you. Um there we go. So, number 0107. Number one zero7. These are the tanks I showed you previously in our other show. This is one of the biggest wait list we've ever on an item here at Emma Lou's Boutique. You can wear this one front and back. If you did not get this one the last video, then you need to get it this one. It is number one07. Small, I'm sorry. Black, white, and sand beige. These are one of the best tanks you can ever get. This one is the white. I'm wearing the sand beige. This one is the black. I showed them to you last video. I'm just reminding you they're back again. Um we did run out of them last week but we did get more. So, you can switch em, you can reverse em, you can wear this on the front you can wear this on the front if you want to do that too. So, you've got all of those options but these are our three basic colors. I would definitely get one of it every single color. They're going to be your favorite tank that you ever put on. Um easy to wear underneath anything. Uh you can sleep in em, wear a bra, don't wear a bra, totally up to you, whatever it is that you would like to do on that. That is number one zero7. Number 107 on this. Jennifer, I have a whole show of stuff, girl. I've got a whole show of things. Trying to get through this rack on here, showing you everything. So, that's number one zero 7 black, white, small, medium, large, extra large. Go buy your T shirt size. I would go by your T-shirt size first. Um but that large extra large does fit a one X, two X also on there. Um so they're just they're they're very stretchy. Super easy to wear. Uh so that's number onezero7. Number one zero7. Okay and then what do we got up next? I'm going to show you another layering piece on here. I'm going to show you another layering one. Uh Andrea, yes. Got stretch on these. Same as it's going to be the same material as the ones that I previously showed you about that. Okay, let's keep going. I've got another really really good layering piece that you're going to be able to layer as well with kind of those basic layering colors on that. So, this one is number 0107. Black, white, sand, beige, small, medium, large, extra large on those. Okay and then, I've got Rodley. Oh my goodness, I've got a bunch of colors on this one. Okay. Bunch of colors on here. I'm going to throw our basic kind of neutrally colors on for you. Now, this one is our one that has like almost a double lining feel to it. So, let me throw this on. And try not to flash everybody as I do this. Here we go. Okay. This is another one. I've got kind of all of our most popular ones here to show you guys. Um and multiple colors in these. Okay. So this one right here, I know, right? Doesn't it Vicky? It like literally is. So, this is one of our basic layering. This is the one that feels like it has a double layer to it. If you know what I mean, you know what I mean on there. It is that really really soft stretchy, of like I see not slinky feel but like it feels it feels like there's two layers to it. Now, these are amazing. A lot of people wear these just by themselves. Um on there, there it is a double layer. I thought it was a double layer. I thought we were on my double. So, this one is number 108 on here. Small, medium, large, extra large. Go buy your regular T shirt size on this. This is one that offers a little bit more full coverage. It also offers a little bit of a smooth. It doesn't have that rib on there. When I love this one particularly, I like this one as a base piece. It's not as thick as the previous one I showed you. So, I like to wear this underneath even long sleeve shirts, sweaters, anything where I want another layer that's a little bit thinner in between my clothing and then like your bra. Um so, I like this one and I like this one layered. So, like I'll wear this one. Where is our shirt from earlier? Hold on. I had, well, no, I don't. This is be one that I would wear underneath this this little cap sleeve shirts that I showed you earlier. So, this is number one zero eight. Um let me show you all the colors. We've got a solid black. You could reverse this. You could do the scoop in one and you could kind of do that V on the other side. So, that is number one is zeroeight on here. Black, small, medium, large, and extra large. We have got the white on here also under flannels. Exactly. You know how you sometimes just need that extra layer in between but you don't want it that ribbed bulky material. This would be one that I would pick to do on there. So, that one is number one zero eight. Number one zero 8. This one is the white. Small, medium, large, and extra large. Go buy your T shirt size. We have got ash mocha and we have got the sand beige. So, this one that I'm holding is ash mocha. I am wearing the sand beige. So, ash mocha is a little bit darker. This one that I have on is sand beige right there. That sand beige. This is ash mocha. So, you have a V on one side. You've got a scoop on the other. You can reverse them and that's number one zero eight. So, double layer reversible on this. Again, sand beige is lighter. This one is the ash mocha. Small, medium, large, and extra large and then, we've got the candy pink on here too. So, candy pink. You can always do like a little like if you're doing something off the shoulder or you just need you know, a little extra coverage on what you're wearing or the jumpers and the rompers that we've had, the the jumpers in the rompers. These are the kind of ones right here that maybe you want to like that you want to put like under those and they're just going to cover your bra. And so you can still wear like the jumper or romper but you don't want to maybe show as much. You know what I'm saying? So that is number one zero eight. Black, white, ash, mocha, sand, beige, and candy pink on that too. So all the different colors. The ash mocha is a little darker than the sand beige. But this is that double layer, the rayon, and the reversible on that one. For example, on our racerback back on the tank right here, this might be one that you want to wear with something underneath. So, you can layer it up too, just like this. So, if you want to layer something, you can also layer something. So, let me scan this one for you. On here, I have three colors in this one on that one. Under a under a light sweater. Yeah, exactly. So, on my top right here, this is number 109 on this. Um this is a little detail on here. It's a little micro ribbed tank. I'll show you the back here and you've got a little extra length here on this one. Um so it's going to be a little bit longer right there. I do like this one how it comes up underneath my arm. I would not have to wear another shirt underneath this necessarily at all. Um but you can if you want. And so it's like a good example of when you want maybe a little more coverage. So this one is number one zero nine. I am wearing the off white. Small, medium, large, extra large, one XL, two XL, three XL. I feel like it's a really really true to size fit. It's a racerback in the back. So that's what the back looks like on this. You've got the racerback on there so you can do a little more coverage with that tank if you want to do it that way and let me show you the other colors. Here we go. Okay. We have four colors on this one. Number one zero 9. This one is the black with the cute little buttons on that one. Small, medium, large, extra large, one XL, two XL, and three XL on there. and then, of course, you guys, we have got the mint on this one. Small, medium, large, extra large, one XL, two XL, and three XL on the mint one. It's $22 dollars and 90 cents on that one. And that's from Seventh Ray. And then this one right here is the fuchsia. Small, medium, large, extra large, one XL, two XL, and three XL on that one too. So these are tank tops that you can wear all the bralettes if you want underneath them. And it's this one's going to give you more length but you can do a cute little pop of color over the top if you want to do a pop of color on those. So that's an option too. Alright. Now, I have got my full coverage tanks coming up here. Um and then we'll keep going. I've got a whole another rack of stuff on here. So let me take this one off. We'll put the tank on for ya. Hold on. And then here we go. I've gotta do this pretty bright color. So this is another really stretchy with that micro ribbed top on. This one. There we go. And this one has the more full coverage top. So see how this one has a full coverage. The previous one had the little buttons and stuff on there. Let me scan this one for ya. And we've got a bunch of colors I'm going to show you. This is also a little longer on here. So, this one is going to be number one one zero. Number one one zero. This top is a little longer. It's going to have a little more full coverage up here and full coverage in the back also. I love the fit of this. It's so cute. That's what the back looks like on here. And I've got a bunch of colors to show you. Small, medium, large, and extra large. I would get your true to size fit on here. It does have really good stretch and it's extremely soft. My lights are like really really bright. This one I wouldn't wear under anything underneath. You could just wear a bra on this one. Um and I think this is the Viva magenta. No this is fuchsia. I've got on fuchsia. So let me show you all the colors. In this one. Hold up. On here. Okay so starting at the top on here. Okay. True to size fit on these guys. True to size fit on here. Starting at the top. This one is the lavender. That's the lavender. Let me get the deep sky. Make sure I've got that classic blue. This one is light hill is this deep sky. Oh, I've just missed this one. There she is. Alright Try it again. Try it again. I summer, I love these summer colors. They're really the best. Okay, there is lavender. This one is Deep Sky right here. Isn't that pretty? The Deep Sky is really a good one. So, that one is Deep Sky and then, we have got Hold on. I'm going to put them in order. Hold please. Lavender, deep sky, mauve light teal. Give me a second. Give me a second. I've got on Where's the Viva magenta? Viva magenta. Give me a second. Give me a second. Viva magenta. Classic blue. There's classic blue Where's my candy pink? Mauves and then here's candy pink. Candy pink, fuchsia, Kelly green. There they are. Oh my gosh. I got em all. Okay, I was missing one. Here we go. Alright, let's start at the top. Start at the top. Up here at the top, we have got lavender. There she is. That's the lavender. Full coverage on that one. On the lavender. Next one up, we've got that beautiful deep sky. This one is Deep Sky. Super cute trim on the back there. I really love the boutique look when they do that little square on the back. That one is deep sky. Small, medium, large, and extra large. And then we have got mauve. There's the mauve on this one And that is mauve. And I am wearing the fuchsia. So, this is fuchsia. This is mauve. Fuchsia and mauve and then, next one up here, we have got the light teal. This is light teal. Small, medium, large, and extra large and light teal. This one is Viva Magenta. So, fuchsia, viva, magenta right here. On that one and then, we have got classic blue. So, this one is classic blue. That's going to be your navy blue on here. Small, medium, large, and extra large on that one and then, there is that candy pink that is candy pink right there. We have got the fuchsia which is the one I'm wearing and there is Kelly green. So, that's the Kelly green. These are going to be a little bit of a longer length on here. So, if you want a little bit of a longer fit, then, that's a really good option for you. That is sold number one one zero. Full coverage here. Underneath, it's going to cover everything that you need to cover. It's not going to show anything. It's got the wider strap up here at the top. So, it's going to fit and cover your bra strap also and it's a little bit of a higher up here So, you're not going to show as much cleavage. So, if you want a little bit more coverage, these are ones that look really good under the rompers on there and they're really really comfortable. So, there you go. Got all the colors on this one. Alright and then, next up again, we've got our square neck that I've gotta show you. Let me show you our square neck with our built-in bra on our square neck. So, here she comes. This one is also our squishy, super comfortable fabric that we love. It does have removable pads. And it's also just our super easy to wear. So, again, with the mineral Wash, this one is also going to be a little bit more of a luxe material. It's got the built-in bra here. It's got the support underneath and it does have removable pads also and I've got a bunch of cute colors on this one. Okay, here we go. So, number 011 zero. Yup. Sleep in em. Oh my gosh. You can sleep in em, not sleep in em, wear a bra, don't wear a bra. It's 100% up to you but this one's going to give you a little more coverage. This one is more of that square neckline. That's what that one looks the back. It's got a really good coverage in the back too. So, let's go through all of these really quickly. Here is the black. So, that one is the black right there. Sold number one one. Number one one one. Small, medium, large, extra large on the black and then, we've got that deep sky. Yeah, you could absolutely sleep in em, travel, wear em under something, wear something off the shoulder, kind of just give a little pop of color. This one is Deep Sky, small, medium, large, extra large. We have got the pink which I am wearing the ash pink. This is the ash pink and this is hot pink. So those are those two colors together. Ash pink and hot pink. Um on this one. I mean you're not going to go wrong. Either one. That's a little brighter on there. That's a little bit more neutrally on this one. So ash pink and hot pink on this one. Um and then we have got that Kelly green again. Kelly green on her. So ash pink hot pink, Kelly green, black on this one, and the Deep Sky. This does have the removable bra pad on the inside right here. And you've got a little bit of extra coverage. It also has the boob separation in there which is really nice too. So, it's not going to, you're not going to end up with uni boob on this one. So, number one one one on there. Five different colors on these. They're just the cutest look on that. Um so, that's the square neck. That's more of a square neck on number one one one. Alright. Then, let me give you one up here that has a little bit of a higher. Let me show you this one. I'm going to throw on the Kelly Green built-in bra pads as well. Alright, this one has a little more full coverage. Can you tell? So, a little bit more full coverage. This one will be absolutely phenomenal to sleep in. Um you're not going to wake up with like boobs all over the place and it's just extremely color comfortable. This is also a brand-new color. My Kelly Green is a new color. So, this one, this is probably our most popular set that there is. Anybody that's brand new, we really do suggest trying out this one. Um large, extra large is going to fit up to, I mean, it's going to it's going to it's fit a lot of people on here. So, just in case you weren't sure, I am wearing the dark green. This is actually the dark green. It is one of the new colors. Wear a bronzer here. Don't wear a bra. It's 100% up to you. So, this one right there, this is the dark green and you can remove the pads on that one. It's a boob wrangler. So, this one is also a new color. This is our mocha. This is the new color in mocha. Isn't it gorgeous? So, that's the mocha. It's got an also a high back on here. So, this one is a little bit more coverage than the other ones. This is number one one 2. This is dark green. This is mocha. Go through all these. I'll show you the other two colors at the same size that are similar. This one is our violet. This is the violet. Small, medium, large, extra large, and the violet. Have to tell you violet is probably one of our favorites too because of the bright color on that. And then on the bright mauve on here in light plum. Let me show you these two colors together because they're similar. So, this one is bright mauve and then, this one is our light plum. So, let me show you these two together. This is bright mauve, light plum. So, bright mauve and light plum together are our two pinks. That one is sold number oh one 1 two Number one one two on this one. So, you can kind of see like what color you like on that and how that's going to work. I like the wide strap up here because I do like to wear a bra strap on that or a bra underneath and it will cover your bra strap on that one. Donna, message us app. We can absolutely help you and fix that for you. Um on there but just come out of the video. Hit the on the bottom right on your account to that intercom. Just message us and we can help you on there. So, that is number one one two. One more time here. This is bright. This is violet, Bright mauve. Violet and bright mauve. Okay, let's look at our neutrals together. Um on this, you can kind of see those neutrals together. Just like last time on this one in here, this is going to be the mocha color. I want to show you these together. This is mocha. Mocha is the darkest. This is bone bone is a little bit of that gray and this is sand beige. So, that's bone, that's sand beige, that's bone and sand beige. Bone has a little more gray in it and then the sand beige has a little bit more taupe in it and then, this is the mocha. So, mocha is the darkest and then sand beige and then bone. So, it really just kind of is it's it's personal preference on there but these are kind of the three that are really good neutral color on there. Small, medium, and large, extra large. Small, medium, and large and extra large but those are those good neutrally kind of color on that. and then finally, we have got our black which is such a staple. Definitely gotta get the black on there. That is number one one two. This is the black small, medium, large, extra large, and then this one right here is light indigo. Isn't that pretty? The light indigo is just so good. I feel like these colors like all together are such good jewel tone colors. Um this is the violet right there. No, I lied. This one is, yes, this is violet, sorry. This one is dark green and then this one is light indigo. So, light indigo, dark green, violet on that but aren't those pretty? Just so bright. The colors are so darn good. So, those are, that is, this is really one of the most popular ones because it's got great length to it. It's got the removable bra pads in there. Um it's a little more full coverage. It's comfortable. You can wear it with or without a bra. Sleep in it. Don't sleep in it. It's a thousand times up to you however you want to do it. Um but that is number oh one one two. Number one 12. Okay and then I am going to show you of our tank that is stretchy. It's comfortable. And it does have the buttons on it. The previous one that I showed you did not have buttons. This one has got the little buttons up in the front. So this is going to be number oh 1 1 three. Number one one three. Let me show you these. It's really stretchy. It's comfortable. It's a cute fit. On there. You can layer this if you want to layer it with so a pop of color underneath but this is the longer as you can see. Longer fit on this one. I am wearing the Deep Sky. So, small, medium, large, and extra large. This is the deep sky with the little buttons up the front that are so cute and then, let me show you the other colors that we have. So, this one is our Kelly green. Small, medium, large, and extra large. Small, medium, large, and extra large. I've got three greens to show you. This one is going to be the ash olive and then this one is dark green on there. I'm wearing Deep Sky and then we have got fuchsia and I love the little buttons up here on the front. So, that one is fuchsia, small, medium, large, and extra large. Small, medium, large, and extra large on fuchsia. and then, let me show you all the greens together so you can see all the greens. So, this one is Kelly green. This one is ash olive and this one is dark green. So, dark green, ash olive, and then that one is Kelly green on there. So, those are all the greens together. Um on that one, it's a little bit of a longer fit. It is so soft. so cute, so easy to wear. I'm telling you. It is like a really, really, really good tank top. Really good tank. It's comfortable. It's cute. You can wear it with anything. Um and it's just really absolutely a fantastic fit right there. I really love that one. Um on here. So, that is number one one three. Number one one three. Okay. We've got to talk about my jeans here really quick. I don't think these are officially launched. Um we did a bunch of videos up here at market on these guys. Um but this is one of the newest, greatest high-rise like denim from Judy Blue in a skinny with no distressing and it's a little bit of a longer inseam on here. So, if you've needed a denim that has a little longer inseam, then, you're going to want this one. There's absolutely no distressing on this and it is one of the cutest pairs. Um that we've had in a while. Look at how cute this denim is. It's like such a great fit. Those are my earring. There it is. Um on your end, I had to cuff mine a couple times on the bottom because they are a little bit of a longer for a skinny. Now, a skinny jean should technically come down to your ankle. So, if you're taller or have a longer inseam, this one might be the one that you want. Let me put that down there just a little so you can see how cute these are. No distressing at all on them. They're stretchy. They're comfortable. I'm wearing a one, I'm wearing a size one in this one and then, this is what the pockets look like on the back. So, those are the pockets right there on the back. A pocket placement is really nice. This is more of our butt lifting jeans and then, this one is also a no distressing at all. So, no distressing, high waist. This is kind of our one that we have for like for it's going to be like our back-to-school pair on that. This is our Tessa. It's a high rise. That is number one one four on that one. Number one one four. Okay. Had to show you guys those on there and if you missed any of the tanks, you're more than welcome to go back. Take a look at that on the bralettes as well and then, these are in stock and they're ready to ship to you. So, Paula's going to do some quick bay credit for people who do pay their carts on there. So, if you happen to be lucky and you get a quick pay credit on there, just let us know. Come on. Jump on. Say hi next time. Um let us know on those. Just want to make sure that people know we do hand those out. Um so, we're giving away some quick pay credit on cards today and then drop these to the app for everyone. So, we'll see you guys a little bit later on.
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