Art Journaling

12 Pins
"Yellow Sun Rising" Notebook by Kristen Avolio | Heartwork | Journal
All Heartwork Art pieces are original works of art by Kristen Avolio.
10 Journal Prompts for Artists
These journal prompts will help you to become the best artist you can be. Make better art, grow your creative business, and get to know yourself better. Written by illustrator Nicole Cicak.
50 Visual Journal Prompts to Promote Drawing and Creative Thinking Skills - The Art of Education University
Art Journal Prompts That Will Boost Your Creativity
Looking for art journal prompts? This detailed guide covers all the important aspects of art journaling. Pick some colors and start today.
How To Start An Art Journal: A Complete Beginner's Guide
This is a complete, detailed guide for art journaling beginners. So, if you're just starting out, this article can help you pick an art journal, art supplies, and you'll also learn about the benefits of art journaling. #artjournal #artjournaling #startanartjournal