Geometry activities and resources for teaching geometry and modeling geometric concepts in the classroom. (Includes related concepts such as Origami, 2-D and 3-D construction.) Focus on the Common Core Standards. | common core math | secondary math | middle school math | geometry art | geometry elementary activities | math art projects | 5th grade math | 6th grade math | 7th grade math | 8th grade math |
136 Pins
Valentine’s Day Origami Projects | Mrs. L's Leveled Learning
Kids LOVE origami, at least my students always have. In an effort to get kids working together as a team, here is a fun way to assign groups and ‘solidify’ partnerships using one simple origami fold. Students can leave their group piece in a special place...see the video of the easy base fold! A great elementary Geometry group project for fourth, fifth, or sixth grade.
Transformations for Middle School Math
This "mini word wall" sample has four different words relating to geometry and spatial reasoning. Each word and graphic is colorful, handmade, and eye-catching. The words are reflection, rotation, translation, and dilation. Make this page into a poster, hang on your word wall, turn into flash cards, or print for each individual student. Enjoy!
Scholastic Teaching Tools | Resources for Teachers
cool idea for geometry....geometry graffiti in the this!
Math Dodgeball
How to play math dodgeball|Algebra Activity|Math Game|Math Games|Secondary Math| Middle School Math|Math Activity|Hands-on Activity|Math Teaching Ideas
Angles, Triangles, and the Start of Geometry in 6th Grade Math!
Angles, Triangles, and the Start of Geometry in 6th Grade Math! Blog post about some fun new middle school math activities and classroom additions relating to geometry!
Math Equals Love | Math Teaching Blog by Sarah Carter
Oh Christmas Tree: Slope Edition. This is a good tool to remember the different types of slope. I would have my students make these after we learned it in class as an activity to keep in their notebook.