Cut Flower Gardens

Cut flowers are perfect for vases, unique containers, bouquets, centerpieces and all your indoor decorating.
96 Pins
Allium Nigrum
#Allium nigrum #blooms from late #spring to early #summer. The sparkling white #flowers are held high on sturdy, 3 foot stems. It's a standout in any #perennial #garden and an excellent cut flower!
Cut Flower Favorites: Freesia and Ranunculus
#Freesia and #ranunculus are two of the world’s most popular cut #flowers. Learn how to grow these beautiful blooms in your own #garden!
Dahlias for Sale - Shop our Most Popular Bulbs
Ball dahlias are prolific bloomers and among of the best #dahlias for cutting. Their perfectly round #flower heads and tightly rolled petals make them a favorite with floral designers.
#GardenBlog - The cut #flowers available at today’s farmer’s markets are nothing short of spectacular. Debra Prinzing, founder of, is a leader in the locally-grown cut #flower movement. She how she is bringing this trend home to her own backyard: {NEED LINK}
Dahlia Waterlily Créme de Cassis
#Gladiolus and #liatris work well together in containers and it's a #garden combination #butterflies can't resist!
Dahlia Dinnerplate Cafe Au Lait
#Dahlias thrive in hot weather, but Cafe au Lait's lovely, cream and pale pink #flowers always look cool and elegant. It takes just a few blossoms to make an impressive arrangement. No wonder they're the most popular dahlia for wedding #bouquets!
Dahlias for Sale - Shop our Most Popular Bulbs
#BloomingNow #DahliasOfAugust - The petals of #dahlia Icoon are a fiery blend of golden yellow, orange and brick red. They take summer #flower arrangements to a whole new level. Stunning with sunflowers, amaranth, mums and heleniums.
Dahlias for Sale - Shop our Most Popular Bulbs
#Dahlias take the sting out of #summer's end!
Tulip Darwin Hybrid Ad Rem
#CustomerReview - Want a #spring #garden that glows? Take the advice of Marilyn from Kentucky and plant Darwin Hybrid #tulip Ad Rem!
Parrot Tulips: Fancy and Flamboyant
Parrot #tulips are the flashiest and most exotic of all spring-blooming bulbs. Every #blossom is a work of art! Discover why these tulips are a favorite with florists and a must for your home #garden.
Dahlia Decorative Cartouche
#BloomingNow #DahliasOfAugust - There's no way to miss these brilliant, amethyst-purple #flowers. #Dahlia Cartouche looks great combined with burgundy and is electrifying with orange!
Longfield Gardens
#GardenInspiration #DahliasOfAugust - Alicia from @flirtyfleurs is an avid gardener as well as a floral designer. Check out her beautiful #dahlia #garden!
Dahlia Decorative American Dawn
#CustomerReview - With 5 star reviews like this one, you can be sure #dahlia American Dawn will be a top-performer in your summer #garden.