26 Pins
Practical Tips to Make your Classroom Autism-Friendly
visual schedules
Pretend Play
teaching children with autism how to do imaginary play using visuals
What have the Zakar's been up to?.....
"Here is my new interactive Daily 5 Check in board. They just drag their picture to their choice and if all the spaces are taken, they will know they have to make a new choice! This is working extremely well and we talk a lot about making sure they get to every daily 5 choice by the end of the week!"
Autism Mumma: Our experience with the Picture Exchange Communications System (PECS)
Autism Mumma: Our Experience with PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System)
Burnout, via Karla's Page
Part of the problem of focusing so much energy on CURE and PREVENTION is that we completely fail to do research on the Autistic people in the here and now. If there were any sort of money spent on autistic adult research this topic would be widely known. and